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Below is a list of publications that have either produced samples and data available at the NIMH Repository, or utilized samples or data accessed through the NIMH Repository. Publications are sorted by disease category and date.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Niarchou Maria, Chawner Samuel J R A, Fiksinski Ania, Vorstman Jacob A S, Maeder Johanna, Schneider Maude, Eliez Stephan, Armando Marco, Pontillo Maria, Vicari Stefano, McDonald-McGinn Donna M, Emanuel Beverly S, Zackai Elaine H, Bearden Carrie E, Shashi Vandana, Hooper Stephen R, Owen Michael J, Gur Raquel E, Wray Naomi R, van den Bree Marianne B M, Thapar Anita, International 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Brain and Behavior Consortium

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms as antecedents of later psychotic outcomes in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

Schizophrenia research 2019; 204:320-325.

Minică Camelia C, Verweij Karin J H, van der Most Peter J, Mbarek Hamdi, Bernard Manon, van Eijk Kristel R, Lind Penelope A, Liu Meng Zhen, Maciejewski Dominique F, Palviainen Teemu, Sánchez-Mora Cristina, Sherva Richard, Taylor Michelle, Walters Raymond K, Abdellaoui Abdel, Bigdeli Timothy B, Branje Susan J T, Brown Sandra A, Casas Miguel, Corley Robin P, Davey-Smith George, Davies Gareth E, Ehli Erik A, Farrer Lindsay, Fedko Iryna O, Garcia-Martínez Iris, Gordon Scott D, Hartman Catharina A, Heath Andrew C, Hickie Ian B, Hickman Matthew, Hopfer Christian J, Hottenga Jouke Jan, Kahn René S, Kaprio Jaakko, Korhonen Tellervo, Kranzler Henry R, Krauter Ken, van Lier Pol A C, Madden Pamela A F, Medland Sarah E, Neale Michael C, Meeus Wim H J, Montgomery Grant W, Nolte Ilja M, Oldehinkel Albertine J, Pausova Zdenka, Ramos-Quiroga Josep A, Richarte Vanesa, Rose Richard J, Shin Jean, Stallings Michael C, Wall Tamara L, Ware Jennifer J, Wright Margaret J, Zhao Hongyu, Koot Hans M, Paus Tomas, Hewitt John K, Ribasés Marta, Loukola Anu, Boks Marco P, Snieder Harold, Munafò Marcus R, Gelernter Joel, Boomsma Dorret I, Martin Nicholas G, Gillespie Nathan A, Vink Jacqueline M, Derks Eske M

Genome-wide association meta-analysis of age at first cannabis use.

Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2018; 113(11):2073-2086.

Niarchou Maria, Calkins Monica E, Moore Tyler M, Tang Sunny X, McDonald-McGinn Donna M, Zackai Elaine H, Emanuel Beverly S, Gur Ruben C, Gur Raquel E

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Psychosis in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.

Schizophrenia bulletin 2018; 44(4):824-833.

Glessner JT, Li J, Wang D, March M, Lima L, Desai A, Hadley D, Kao C, Gur RE, Cohen N, Sleiman PM, Li Q, Hakonarson H

Copy number variation meta-analysis reveals a novel duplication at 9p24 associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders

Genome Medicine 2017; 9:106.

Richards Jennifer S, Arias Vásquez Alejandro, van Rooij Daan, van der Meer Dennis, Franke Barbara, Hoekstra Pieter J, Heslenfeld Dirk J, Oosterlaan Jaap, Faraone Stephen V, Hartman Catharina A, Buitelaar Jan K

Testing differential susceptibility: Plasticity genes, the social environment, and their interplay in adolescent response inhibition.

The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2017; 18(4):308-321.

van der Meer Dennis, Hartman Catharina A, van Rooij Daan, Franke Barbara, Heslenfeld Dirk J, Oosterlaan Jaap, Faraone Stephen V, Buitelaar Jan K, Hoekstra Pieter J

Effects of dopaminergic genes, prenatal adversities, and their interaction on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and neural correlates of response inhibition.

Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN 2017; 42(2):113-121.

Abdulkadir Mohamed, Tischfield Jay A, King Robert A, Fernandez Thomas V, Brown Lawrence W, Cheon Keun-Ah, Coffey Barbara J, de Bruijn Sebastian F T M, Elzerman Lonneke, Garcia-Delgar Blanca, Gilbert Donald L, Grice Dorothy E, Hagstrøm Julie, Hedderly Tammy, Heyman Isobel, Hong Hyun Ju, Huyser Chaim, Ibanez-Gomez Laura, Kim Young Key, Kim Young-Shin, Koh Yun-Joo, Kook Sodahm, Kuperman Samuel, Lamerz Andreas, Leventhal Bennett, Ludolph Andrea G, Madruga-Garrido Marcos, Maras Athanasios, Messchendorp Marieke D, Mir Pablo, Morer Astrid, Münchau Alexander, Murphy Tara L, Openneer Thaïra J C, Plessen Kerstin J, Rath Judith J G, Roessner Veit, Fründt Odette, Shin Eun-Young, Sival Deborah A, Song Dong-Ho, Song Jungeun, Stolte Anne-Marie, Tübing Jennifer, van den Ban Els, Visscher Frank, Wanderer Sina, Woods Martin, Zinner Samuel H, State Matthew W, Heiman Gary A, Hoekstra Pieter J, Dietrich Andrea

Pre- and perinatal complications in relation to Tourette syndrome and co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Journal of psychiatric research 2016; 82:126-35.

Richards JS, Arias Vásquez A, Franke B, Hoekstra PJ, Heslenfeld DJ, Oosterlaan J, Faraone SV, Buitelaar JK, Hartman CA

Developmentally Sensitive Interaction Effects of Genes and the Social Environment on Total and Subcortical Brain Volumes

PLoS ONE 2016; 11(5):e0155755.

Richards Jennifer S, Hartman Catharina A, Franke Barbara, Hoekstra Pieter J, Heslenfeld Dirk J, Oosterlaan Jaap, Arias Vásquez Alejandro, Buitelaar Jan K

Differential susceptibility to maternal expressed emotion in children with ADHD and their siblings? Investigating plasticity genes, prosocial and antisocial behaviour.

European child & adolescent psychiatry 2015; 24(2):209-17.

Zuo L, Saba L, Lin X, Tan Y, Wang K, Krystal JH, Tabakoff B, Luo X

Significant association between rare IPO11-HTR1A variants and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Caucasians

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2015; 168(7):544-556.

Richards JS, Hartman CA, Franke B, Hoekstra PJ, Heslenfeld DJ, Oosterlaan J, Vásquez AA, Buitelaar JK

Differential Susceptibility to Maternal Expressed Emotion in Children with ADHD and their Siblings? Investigating Plasticity Genes, Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour

European child & adolescent psychiatry 2014; 24(2):209-217.

van der Meer Dennis, Hartman Catharina A, Richards Jennifer, Bralten Janita B, Franke Barbara, Oosterlaan Jaap, Heslenfeld Dirk J, Faraone Stephen V, Buitelaar Jan K, Hoekstra Pieter J

The serotonin transporter gene polymorphism 5-HTTLPR moderates the effects of stress on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines 2014; 55(12):1363-71.

van der Meer D, Hartman CA, Richards J, Bralten JB, Franke B, Oosterlaan J, Heslenfeld DJ, Faraone SV, Buitelaar JK, Hoekstra PJ

The serotonin transporter gene polymorphism 5-HTTLPR moderates the effects of stress on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines 2014; 55(12):1363-1371.

Greenwood TA, Joo EJ, Shektman T, Sadovnick AD, Remick RA, Keck PE, McElroy SL, Kelsoe JR

Association of Dopamine Transporter Gene Variants with Childhood ADHD Features in Bipolar Disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2013; 0(2):137-145.

Wang KS, Liu X, Zhang Q, Aragam N, Pan Y

Parent-of-origin effects of FAS and PDLIM1 in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience : JPN 2012; 37(1):46-52.

Elia J, Glessner JT, Wang K, Takahashi N, Shtir CJ, Hadley D, Sleiman PM, Zhang H, Kim CE, Robison R, Lyon GJ, Flory JH, Bradfield JP, Imielinski M, Hou C, Frackelton EC, Chiavacci RM, Sakurai T, Rabin C, Middleton FA, Thomas KA, Garris M, Mentch F, Freitag CM, Steinhausen HC, Todorov AA, Reif A, Rothenberger A, Franke B, Mick EO, Roeyers H, Buitelaar J, Lesch KP, Banaschewski T, Ebstein RP, Mulas F, Oades RD, Sergeant J, Sonuga-Barke E, Renner TJ, Romanos M, Romanos J, Warnke A, Walitza S, Meyer J, Pálmason H, Seitz C, Loo SK, Smalley SL, Biederman J, Kent L, Asherson P, Anney RJ, Gaynor JW, Shaw P, Devoto M, White PS, Grant SF, Buxbaum JD, Rapoport JL, Williams NM, Nelson SF, Faraone SV, Hakonarson H

Genome-wide copy number variation study associates metabotropic glutamate receptor gene networks with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Nature genetics 2011; 44(1):78-84.

Müller UC, Asherson P, Banaschewski T, Buitelaar JK, Ebstein RP, Eisenberg J, Gill M, Manor I, Miranda A, Oades RD

The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study. Part 1: ADHD symptom patterns

BMC psychiatry 2011; 11(1):54.

Sonuga-Barke Edmund J S, Kumsta Robert, Schlotz Wolff, Lasky-Su Jessica, Marco Rafaela, Miranda Ana, Mulas Fernando, Oades Robert D, Banaschewski Tobias, Mueller Ueli, Andreou Penny, Christiansen Hanna, Gabriels Isabel, Uebel Henrik, Kuntsi Jonna, Franke Barbara, Buitelaar Jan, Ebstein Richard, Gill Michael, Anney Richard, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph, Steinhausen Hans Christoph, Asherson Philip, Faraone Stephen V

A functional variant of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) moderates impulsive choice in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder boys and siblings.

Biological psychiatry 2011; 70(3):230-6.

Sonuga-Barke EJ, Kumsta R, Schlotz W, Lasky-Su J, Marco R, Miranda A, Mulas F, Oades RD, Banaschewski T, Mueller U, Andreou P, Christiansen H, Gabriels I, Uebel H, Kuntsi J, Franke B, Buitelaar J, Ebstein R, Gill M, Anney R, Roeyers H, Rothenberger A, Sergeant J, Steinhausen HC, Asherson P, Faraone SV

A functional variant of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) moderates impulsive choice in ADHD boys and siblings

Biological psychiatry 2011; 70(3):230-236.

Elia J, Gai X, Xie H M, Perin J C, Geiger E, Glessner J T, D'arcy M, deBerardinis R, Frackelton E, Kim C, Lantieri F, Muganga B M, Wang L, Takeda T, Rappaport E F, Grant S F A, Berrettini W, Devoto M, Shaikh T H, Hakonarson H, White P S

Rare structural variants found in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are preferentially associated with neurodevelopmental genes.

Molecular psychiatry 2010; 15(6):637-46.

Joo EJ, Greenwood TA, Schork N, McKinney RA, Sadovnick AD, Remick RA, Keck PE, McElroy SL, Kelsoe JR

Suggestive evidence for linkage of ADHD features in bipolar disorder to chromosome 10p14

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2010; 153(1):260-268.

Lasky-Su J, Won S, Mick E, Anney RJ, Franke B, Neale B, Biederman J, Smalley SL, Loo SK, Todorov A, Faraone SV, Weiss ST, Lange C

On Genome-wide Association Studies for Family-Based Designs: An Integrative Analysis Approach Combining Ascertained Family Samples with Unselected Controls

American Journal of Human Genetics 2010; 86(4):573-580.

Neale Benjamin M, Medland Sarah E, Ripke Stephan, Asherson Philip, Franke Barbara, Lesch Klaus-Peter, Faraone Stephen V, Nguyen Thuy Trang, Schäfer Helmut, Holmans Peter, Daly Mark, Steinhausen Hans-Christoph, Freitag Christine, Reif Andreas, Renner Tobias J, Romanos Marcel, Romanos Jasmin, Walitza Susanne, Warnke Andreas, Meyer Jobst, Palmason Haukur, Buitelaar Jan, Vasquez Alejandro Arias, Lambregts-Rommelse Nanda, Gill Michael, Anney Richard J L, Langely Kate, O'Donovan Michael, Williams Nigel, Owen Michael, Thapar Anita, Kent Lindsey, Sergeant Joseph, Roeyers Herbert, Mick Eric, Biederman Joseph, Doyle Alysa, Smalley Susan, Loo Sandra, Hakonarson Hakon, Elia Josephine, Todorov Alexandre, Miranda Ana, Mulas Fernando, Ebstein Richard P, Rothenberger Aribert, Banaschewski Tobias, Oades Robert D, Sonuga-Barke Edmund, McGough James, Nisenbaum Laura, Middleton Frank, Hu Xiaolan, Nelson Stan

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2010; 49(9):884-97.

Nijmeijer Judith S, Arias-Vásquez Alejandro, Rommelse Nanda N J, Altink Marieke E, Anney Richard J L, Asherson Philip, Banaschewski Tobias, Buschgens Cathelijne J M, Fliers Ellen A, Gill Michael, Minderaa Ruud B, Poustka Luise, Sergeant Joseph A, Buitelaar Jan K, Franke Barbara, Ebstein Richard P, Miranda Ana, Mulas Fernando, Oades Robert D, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sonuga-Barke Edmund J S, Steinhausen Hans-Christoph, Faraone Stephen V, Hartman Catharina A, Hoekstra Pieter J

Identifying loci for the overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder using a genome-wide QTL linkage approach.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2010; 49(7):675-85.

Rizzi TS, Arias-Vasquez A, Rommelse N, Kuntsi J, Anney R, Asherson P, Buitelaar J, Banaschewski T, Ebstein R, Ruano D, Van der Sluis S, Markunas CA, Garrett ME, Ashley-Koch AE, Kollins SH, Anastopoulos AD, Hansell NK, Wright MJ, Montgomery GW, Martin NG, Harris SE, Davies G, Tenesa A, Porteous DJ, Starr JM, Deary IJ, St. Pourcain B, Smith GD, Timpson NJ, Evans DM, Gill M, Miranda A, Mulas F, Oades RD, Roeyers H, Rothenberger A, Sergeant J, Sonuga-Barke E, Steinhausen HC, Taylor E, Faraone SV, Franke B, Posthuma D

The ATXN1 and TRIM31 genes are related to intelligence in an ADHD background: Evidence from a large collaborative study totaling 4,963 Subjects

American Journal of Medical Genetics 2010; 156(2):145-157.

Ruano D, Abecasis GR, Glaser B, Lips ES, Cornelisse LN, de Jong AP, Evans DM, Smith GD, Timpson NJ, Smit AB, Heutink P, Verhage M, Posthuma D

Functional Gene Group Analysis Reveals a Role of Synaptic Heterotrimeric G Proteins in Cognitive Ability

American Journal of Human Genetics 2010; 86(2):113-125.

Altink ME, Slaats-Willemse DI, Rommelse NN, Buschgens CJ, Fliers EA, Arias-Vásquez A, Xu X, Franke B, Sergeant JA, Faraone SV, Buitelaar JK

Effects of maternal and paternal smoking on attentional control in children with and without ADHD

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2009; 18(8):465-475.

Anney RJ, Kenny E, O'Dushlaine CT, Lasky-Su J, Franke B, Morris DW, Neale BM, Asherson P, Faraone SV, Gill M

Non-Random Error in Genotype Calling Procedures: implications for family-based and case-control genome-wide association studies

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(8):1379-1386.

Neale Benjamin M, Lasky-Su Jessica, Anney Richard, Franke Barbara, Zhou Kaixin, Maller Julian B, Vasquez Alejandro Arias, Asherson Philip, Chen Wai, Banaschewski Tobias, Buitelaar Jan, Ebstein Richard, Gill Michael, Miranda Ana, Oades Robert D, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph, Steinhausen Hans Christoph, Sonuga-Barke Edmund, Mulas Fernando, Taylor Eric, Laird Nan, Lange Christoph, Daly Mark, Faraone Stephen V

Genome-wide association scan of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(8):1337-44.

Neale BM, Su J, Anney R, Franke B, Zhou K, Maller JB, Vasquez AA, Asherson P, Chen W, Banaschewski T, Buitelaar J, Ebstein R, Gill M, Miranda A, Oades RD, Roeyers H, Rothenberger A, Sergeant J, Steinhausen HC, Sonuga-Barke E, Mulas F, Taylor E, Laird N, Lange C, Daly M, Faraone SV

Genome-wide Association Scan of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(8):1337-1344.

Oades Robert D, Lasky-Su Jessica, Christiansen Hanna, Faraone Stephen V, Sonuga-Barke Edmund Js, Banaschewski Tobias, Chen Wai, Anney Richard Jl, Buitelaar Jan K, Ebstein Richard P, Franke Barbara, Gill Michael, Miranda Ana, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph A, Steinhausen Hans-Christoph, Taylor Eric A, Thompson Margaret, Asherson Philip

The influence of serotonin- and other genes on impulsive behavioral aggression and cognitive impulsivity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Findings from a family-based association test (FBAT) analysis.

Behavioral and brain functions : BBF 2008; 4:48.

Zhou K, Asherson P, Sham P, Franke B, Anney RJ, Buitelaar J, Ebstein R, Gill M, Brookes K, Buschgens C, Campbell D, Chen W, Christiansen H, Fliers E, Gabriëls I, Johansson L, Marco R, Mulas F, Müller U, Mulligan A, Neale BM, Rijsdijk F, Rommelse N, Uebel H, Psychogiou L, Xu X, Banaschewski T, Sonuga-Barke E, Eisenberg J, Manor I, Miranda A, Oades RD, Roeyers H, Rothenberger A, Sergeant J, Steinhausen HC, Taylor E, Thompson M, Faraone SV

Linkage to Chromosome 1p36 for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Traits in School and Home Settings

Biological psychiatry 2008; 64(7):571-576.

Zhou Kaixin, Asherson Philip, Sham Pak, Franke Barbara, Anney Richard J L, Buitelaar Jan, Ebstein Richard, Gill Michael, Brookes Keeley, Buschgens Cathelijne, Campbell Desmond, Chen Wai, Christiansen Hanna, Fliers Ellen, Gabriëls Isabel, Johansson Lena, Marco Rafaela, Mulas Fernando, Müller Ueli, Mulligan Aisling, Neale Benjamin M, Rijsdijk Fruhling, Rommelse Nanda, Uebel Henrik, Psychogiou Lamprini, Xu Xiaohui, Banaschewski Tobias, Sonuga-Barke Edmund, Eisenberg Jacques, Manor Iris, Miranda Ana, Oades Robert D, Roeyers Herbert, Rothenberger Aribert, Sergeant Joseph, Steinhausen Hans-Christoph, Taylor Eric, Thompson Margaret, Faraone Stephen V

Linkage to chromosome 1p36 for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in school and home settings.

Biological psychiatry 2008; 64(7):571-6.

Kuntsi Jonna, Neale Benjamin M, Chen Wai, Faraone Stephen V, Asherson Philip

The IMAGE project: methodological issues for the molecular genetic analysis of ADHD.

Behavioral and brain functions : BBF 2006; 2:27.

Alzheimer's Disease

Hu B, Won H, Mah W, Park RB, Kassim B, Spiess K, Kozlenkov A, Crowley CA, Pochareddy S, Li Y, Dracheva S, Sestan N, Akbarian S, Geschwind DH

Neuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders

Nature Communications 2021; 12:3968.

Chandler HL, Hodgetts CJ, Caseras X, Murphy K, Lancaster TM

Polygenic risk for Alzheimer's disease shapes hippocampal scene-selectivity

Neuropsychopharmacology 2020; 45(7):1171-1178.

Ramos EM, Dokuru DR, Van Berlo V, Wojta K, Wang Q, Huang AY, Miller ZA, Karydas AM, Bigio EH, Rogalski E, Weintraub S, Rader B, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Mesulam MM, Coppola G

Genetic screen in a large series of patients with primary progressive aphasia

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2019; 15(4):553-560.

DeMichele-Sweet MA, Weamer EA, Klei L, Vrana DT, Hollingshead DJ, Seltman HJ, Sims R, Foroud T, Hernandez I, Moreno-Grau S, Tárraga L, Boada M, Ruiz A, Williams J, Mayeux R, Lopez OL, Sibille EL, Kamboh MI, Devlin B, Sweet RA

Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia and Psychosis in Alzheimer Disease

Molecular psychiatry 2017; 10.1038/mp.2017.81.

Alfonso SI, Callender JA, Hooli B, Antal CE, Mullin K, Sherman MA, Lesné SE, Leitges M, Newton AC, Tanzi RE, Malinow R

Gain-of-function mutations in protein kinase Cα (PKCα) may promote synaptic defects in Alzheimer's disease

Science signaling 2016; 9(427):ra47.

Bettayeb K, Hooli BV, Parrado AR, Randolph L, Varotsis D, Aryal S, Gresack J, Tanzi RE, Greengard P, Flajolet M

Relevance of the COPI complex for Alzheimer's disease progression in vivo

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016; 113(19):5418-5423.

Bettayeb K, Hooli BV, Parrado AR, Randolph L, Varotsis D, Aryal S, Gresack J, Tanzi RE, Greengard P, Flajolet M

Relevance of the COPI complex for Alzheimer's disease progression in vivo

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016; 201604176.

Saad M, Brkanac Z, Wijsman EM

Family-based Genome Scan for Age at Onset of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease in Whole Exome Sequencing Data

Genes, brain, and behavior 2015; 14(8):607-617.

Wang LS, Naj AC, Graham RR, Crane PK, Kunkle BW, Cruchaga C, Gonzalez Murcia JD, Cannon-Albright L, Baldwin CT, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Kukull WA, Faber KM, Schupf N, Norton MC, Tschanz JT, Munger RG, Corcoran CD, Rogaeva E, Lin CF, Dombroski BA, Cantwell LB, Partch A, Valladares O, Hakonarson H, St George-Hyslop P, Green RC, Goate AM, Foroud TM, Carney RM, Larson EB, Behrens TW, Kauwe JS, Haines JL, Farrer LA, Pericak-Vance MA, Mayeux R, Schellenberg GD

Rarity of the Alzheimer Disease-Protective APP A673T Variant in the United States

JAMA neurology 2015; 72(2):209-216.

DeMichele-Sweet MA, Sweet RA

Genetics of Psychosis in Alzheimer Disease

Current genetic medicine reports 2014; 2(1):30-38.

Hooli BV, Parrado AR, Mullin K, Yip WK, Liu T, Roehr JT, Qiao D, Jessen F, Peters O, Becker T

The rare TREM2 R47H variant exerts only a modest effect on Alzheimer disease risk

Neurology 2014; 83(15):1353-1358.

Hooli BV, Kovacs-Vajna ZM, Mullin K, Blumenthal MA, Mattheisen M, Zhang C, Lange C, Mohapatra G, Bertram L, Tanzi RE

Rare autosomal copy number variations in early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease

Molecular psychiatry 2014; 19(6):676-681.

McGuire Joseph F, Lewin Adam B, Storch Eric A

Enhancing Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Expert review of neurotherapeutics 2014; 14(8):893–910.

Wang R, Halper-Stromberg E, Szymanski-Pierce M, Bassett S, Avramopoulos D

Genetic determinants of neuroglobin transcription

Neurogenetics 2014; 15(1):65-75.

Schafer CM, Campbell NG, Cai G, Yu F, Makarov V, Yoon S, Daly MJ, Gibbs RA, Schellenberg GD, Devlin B

Whole exome sequencing reveals minimal differences between cell line and whole blood derived DNA

Genomics 2013; 102(4):270-277.

Cai G, Atzmon G, Naj A, Beecham GW, Barzilai N, Haines JL, Sano M, Pericak-Vance MA, Buxbaum JD

Evidence against a role for rare ADAM10 mutations in sporadic Alzheimer Disease

Neurobiol Aging 2012; 33(2):416-417.

Hooli BV, Mohapatra G, Mattheisen M, Parrado AR, Roehr JT, Shen Y, Gusella JF, Moir R, Saunders AJ, Lange C, Tanzi RE, Bertram L

Role of common and rare APP DNA sequence variants in Alzheimer disease

Neurology 2012; 78(16):1250-1257.

Majounie E, Abramzon Y, Renton AE, Perry R, Bassett SS, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC, Hardy J, Singleton AB, Traynor BJ

Repeat Expansion in C9ORF72 in Alzheimer's Disease

The New England journal of medicine 2012; 366(3):283-284.

Choi Y, Marchani EE, Bird TD, Steinbart EJ, Blacker D, Wijsman EM

Genome scan of age-at-onset in the NIMH Alzheimer disease sample uncovers multiple loci, along with evidence of both genetic and sample heterogeneity

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2011; 156(7):785-798.

Brown AM, Finch SJ, Gordon D

Genome-wide association study of genetic loci and Alzheimer disease

JAMA 2010; 304(8):858-858.

Fallin MD, Szymanski M, Wang R, Gherman A, Bassett SS, Avramopoulos D

Fine mapping of the chromosome 10q11-q21 linkage region in Alzheimer's disease cases and controls

Neurogenetics 2010; 11(3):335-348.

Gianni D, Li A, Tesco G, McKay KM, Moore J, Raygor K, Rota M, Gwathmey JK, Dec GW, Aretz T, Leri A, Semigran MJ, Anversa P, Macgillivray TE, Tanzi RE, Monte FD

Protein Aggregates and Novel Presenilin Gene Variants in Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Circulation 2010; 121(10):1216-1226.

Butler AW, Ng MYM, Hamshere ML, Forabosco P, Wroe R, Al-Chalabi A, Lewis CM, Powell JF

Meta-analysis of linkage studies for Alzheimer's disease-a web resource

Neurobiology of aging 2009; 30(7):1037-1047.

Kim M, Suh J, Romano D, Truong MH, Mullin K, Hooli B, Norton D, Tesco G, Elliott K, Wagner SL, Moir RD, Becker KD, Tanzi RE

Potential late-onset Alzheimer's disease-associated mutations in the ADAM10 gene attenuate α-secretase activity

Human Molecular Genetics 2009; 18(20):3987-3996.

Schjeide BM, McQueen MB, Mullin K, DiVito J, Hogan MF, Parkinson M, Hooli B, Lange C, Blacker D, Tanzi RE, Bertram L

Assessment of Alzheimer's disease case-control associations using family-based methods

Neurogenetics 2009; 10(1):19-25.

Schjeide BM, Hooli B, Parkinson M, Hogan MF, DiVito J, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE, Bertram L

GAB2 as an Alzheimer Disease Susceptibility Gene: Follow-up of Genomewide Association Results

Archives of neurology 2009; 66(2):250-254.

Bertram L, Lange C, Mullin K, Parkinson M, Hsiao M, Hogan MF, Schjeide BM, Hooli B, DiVito J, Ionita I, Jiang H, Laird N, Moscarillo T, Ohlsen KL, Elliott K, Wang X, Hu-Lince D, Ryder M, Murphy A, Wagner SL, Blacker D, Becker KD, Tanzi RE

Genome-wide Association Analysis Reveals Putative Alzheimer's Disease Susceptibility Loci in Addition to APOE

American Journal of Human Genetics 2008; 83(5):623-632.

Blom ES, Holmans P, Arepalli S, Adighibe O, Hamshere ML, Gatz M, Pedersen NL, Bergem AL, Owen MJ, Hollingworth P, Goate A, Williams J, Lannfelt L, Hardy J, Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Glaser A

Does APOE Explain the Linkage of Alzheimer's Disease to Chromosome 19q13?

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(6):778-783.

Chen Z, Simmons MS, Perry RT, Wiener HW, Harrell LE, Go RCP

Genetic association of neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (NTRK2) With Alzheimer's disease

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147(3):363-369.

Dickson MR, Li J, Wiener HW, Perry RT, Blacker D, Bassett SS, Go RC

A Genomic Scan for Age at Onset of Alzheimer's Disease in 437 Families From the NIMH Genetic Initiative

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(6):784-792.

Profenno LA, Faraone SV

Diabetes and overweight associate with non-APOE4 genotype in an alzheimer's disease population

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147(6):822-829.

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Association of GSK3B With Alzheimer Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia

Archives of neurology 2008; 65(10):1368-1374.

Thornton-Wells TA, Moore JH, Martin ER, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL

Confronting Complexity in Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease: Application of Two-Stage Analysis Approach Addressing Heterogeneity and Epistasis

Genetic epidemiology 2008; 32(3):187-203.

Bertram L, Hsiao M, McQueen MB, Parkinson M, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE

The LDLR locus in Alzheimer's disease: a family-based study and meta-analysis of case-control data

Neurobiology of aging 2007; 28(1):18. e1-18. e4.

Bertram L, Mullin K, Parkinson M, Hsiao M, Moscarillo TJ, Wagner SL, Becker KD, Velicelebi G, Blacker D, Tanzi RE

Is α-T catenin (VR22) an Alzheimer's disease risk gene?

Journal of Medical Genetics 2007; 44(1):e63.

Brown AM, Gordon D, Lee H, Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Cellini E, Bagnoli S, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Hardy J, Blass JP

Testing for linkage and association across the dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase gene region with Alzheimer's disease in three sample populations

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Common genetic variation within the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 and late-onset Alzheimer's disease

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Hamshere ML, Holmans PA, Avramopoulos D, Bassett SS, Blacker D, Bertram L, Wiener H, Rochberg N, Tanzi RE, Myers A

Genome-wide linkage analysis of 723 affected relative pairs with late-onset Alzheimer's disease

Human molecular genetics 2007; 16(22):2703-2712.

Ismail MS, Dagerman K, Tariot PN, Abbott S, Kavanaugh S, Schneider LS

National Institute of Mental Health Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness-Alzheimer's Disease (CATIE-AD): baseline characteristics

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Perry RT, Wiener H, Harrell LE, Blacker D, Tanzi RE, Bertram L, Bassett SS, Go RCP

Follow-up mapping supports the evidence for linkage in the candidate region at 9q22 in the NIMH Alzheimer's disease Genetics Initiative cohort

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2007; 144(2):220-227.

Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Compton D, Womick M, Arepalli S, Adighibe O, Li L, Pérez-Tur J, Hardy J

ABCA1 polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease

Neuroscience letters 2007; 416(2):180-183.

Wiener HW, Perry RT, Chen Z, Harrell LE, Go RCP

A polymorphism in SOD2 is associated with development of Alzheimer's disease

Genes, Brain and Behavior 2007; 6(8):770-776.

Adighibe O, Arepalli S, Duckworth J, Hardy J, Wavrant-De Vrièze F

Genetic variability at the LXR gene (NR1H2) may contribute to the risk of Alzheimer's disease

Neurobiology of aging 2006; 27(10):1431-1434.

Avramopoulos D, Zandi P, Gherman A, Fallin MD, Bassett SS

Testing groups of genomic locations for enrichment in disease loci using linkage scan data: A method for hypothesis testing

Human Genomics 2006; 2(6):345-352.

Bassett SS, Avramopoulos D, Perry RT, Wiener H, Watson B Jr, Go RC, Fallin MD

Further evidence of a maternal parent-of-origin effect on chromosome 10 in late-onset Alzheimer's disease

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2006; 141B(5):537-540.

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Familial risk for Alzheimer's disease alters fMRI activation patterns

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Bertram L, Hsiao M, Lange C, Blacker D, Tanzi RE

Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism rs498055 on Chromosome 10q24 Is Not Associated with Alzheimer Disease in Two Independent Family Samples

American Journal of Human Genetics 2006; 79(1):180-183.

Grupe Andrew, Li Yonghong, Rowland Charles, Nowotny Petra, Hinrichs Anthony L, Smemo Scott, Kauwe John S K, Maxwell Taylor J, Cherny Sara, Doil Lisa, Tacey Kristina, van Luchene Ryan, Myers Amanda, Wavrant-De Vrièze Fabienne, Kaleem Mona, Hollingworth Paul, Jehu Luke, Foy Catherine, Archer Nicola, Hamilton Gillian, Holmans Peter, Morris Chris M, Catanese Joseph, Sninsky John, White Thomas J, Powell John, Hardy John, O'Donovan Michael, Lovestone Simon, Jones Lesley, Morris John C, Thal Leon, Owen Michael, Williams Julie, Goate Alison

A scan of chromosome 10 identifies a novel locus showing strong association with late-onset Alzheimer disease.

American journal of human genetics 2006; 78(1):78-88.

Li YJ, Scott WK, Zhang L, Lin PI, Oliveira SA, Skelly T, Doraiswamy MP, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Martin ER, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA, Vance JM

Revealing the role of Glutathione S-Transferase Omega in age at onset of Alzheimer and Parkinson Diseases

Neurobiology of aging 2006; 27(8):1087-1093.

Lin PI, Martin ER, Browning-Large CA, Schmechel DE, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Doraiswamy PM, Gilbert JR, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA

Parsing the genetic heterogeneity of chromosome 12q susceptibility genes for Alzheimer disease by family-based association analysis

Neurogenetics 2006; 7(3):157-165.

McQueen MB, Blacker D, Laird NM

Variance Calculations for Identity-by-Descent Estimation

American Journal of Human Genetics 2006; 78(6):914-921.

Avramopoulos D, Fallin MD, Bassett SS

Linkage to chromosome 14q in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients without psychotic symptoms

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2005; 132(1):9-13.

Bacanu SA, Devlin B, Chowdari KV, DeKosky ST, Nimgaonkar VL, Sweet RA

Heritability of psychosis in Alzheimer disease

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry 2005; 13(7):624-627.

Bertram L, Hiltunen M, Parkinson M, Ingelsson M, Lange C, Ramasamy K, Mullin K, Menon R, Sampson AJ, Hsiao MY

Family-based association between Alzheimer's disease and variants in UBQLN1

New England Journal of Medicine 2005; 352(9):884-894.

Dickson MR, Perry RT, Wiener H, Go RCP

Association studies of transforming growth factor-β1 and Alzheimer's disease

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2005; 139(1):38-41.

Go RCP, Perry RT, Wiener H, Bassett SS, Blacker D, Devlin B, Sweet RA

Neuregulin-1 polymorphism in late onset Alzheimer's disease families with psychoses

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2005; 139(1):28-32.

Holmans P, Hamshere M, Hollingworth P, Rice F, Tunstall N, Jones S, Moore P, DeVrieze FW, Myers A, Crook R

Genome screen for loci influencing age at onset and rate of decline in late onset Alzheimer's disease

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2005; 135(1):24-32.

Lahiri DK, Ge YW, Maloney B, Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Hardy J

Characterization of two APP gene promoter polymorphisms that appear to influence risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease

Neurobiology of aging 2005; 26(10):1329-1341.

Bertram L, Parkinson M, Mullin K, Menon R, Blacker D, Tanzi R

No association between a previously reported OLR1 3' UTR polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease in a large family sample

Journal of Medical Genetics 2004; 41(4):286-288.

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Alpha-T-catenin is expressed in human brain and interacts with the want signaling pathway but is not responsible for linkage to chromosome 10 in Alzheimer's disease

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The Sib TDT adjusted for age of disease onset

Annals of human genetics 2004; 68(3):249-256.

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Molecular genetics of late-onset Alzheimer's disease

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Association of late onset Alzheimer's disease with genetic variation in multiple members of the GAPD gene family

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Variation in the urokinase-plasminogen activator gene does not explain the chromosome 10 linkage signal for late onset AD

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2004; 124(1):29-37.

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Comprehensive association analysis of APOE regulatory region polymorphisms in Alzheimer disease

Neurogenetics 2004; 5(4):201-208.

Blacker D, Bertram L, Saunders AJ, Moscarillo TJ, Albert MS, Wiener H, Perry RT, Collins JS, Harrell LE, Go RCP

Results of a high-resolution genome screen of 437 Alzheimer's disease families

Human Molecular Genetics 2003; 12(1):23-32.

Saunders AJ, Bertram L, Mullin K, Sampson AJ, Latifzai K, Basu S, Jones J, Kinney D, MacKenzie-Ingano L, Yu S

Genetic association of Alzheimer's disease with multiple polymorphisms in alpha-2-macroglobulin

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Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE): Alzheimer's disease trial

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Scott WK, Hauser ER, Schmechel DE, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Small GW, Roses AD, Saunders AM, Gilbert JR, Vance JM, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA

Ordered-Subsets Linkage Analysis Detects Novel Alzheimer Disease Loci on Chromosomes 2q34 and 15q22

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Psychotic symptoms in Alzheimer disease: evidence for a distinct phenotype

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Linkage analysis of Alzheimer disease with psychosis

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Reply to Olson

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A full genome screen for Alzheimer's disease: Stage II analysis

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Increased familial risk of the psychotic phenotype of Alzheimer disease

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Dancing in the dark?

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No evidence for genetic association or linkage of the cathepsin D (CTSD) exon 2 polymorphism and Alzheimer disease

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A novel method of two-locus linkage analysis applied to a genome scan for late onset Alzheimer's disease

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Susceptibility gene (s) for Alzheimer's disease on chromosome 10

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Association tests for traits with variable age at onset

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The Amyloid Precursor Protein Locus and Very-Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease

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Chromosome 12 and late-onset Alzheimer's disease

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National Institute of Mental Health Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness CATIE-AD): Alzheimer disease trial methodology

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Candidate genes showing no evidence for association or linkage with Alzheimer's disease using family-based methodologies

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Association of a haplotype for tumor necrosis factor in siblings with late-onset Alzheimer disease: The NIMH Alzheimer disease genetics initiative

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Evidence against association of the FE65 gene (APBB1) intron 13 polymorphism in Alzheimer's patients

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Family-Based Tests of Association in the Presence of Linkage

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Susceptibility locus for Alzheimer's disease on chromosome 10

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In reply - alpha-2 macroglobulin gene and Alzheimer disease

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Connacher R, Williams M, Prem S, Yeung PL, Matteson P, Mehta M, Markov A, Peng C, Zhou X, McDermott CR, Pang ZP, Flax J, Brzustowicz L, Lu CW, Millonig JH, DiCicco-Bloom E

Autism NPCs from both idiopathic and CNV 16p11.2 deletion patients exhibit dysregulation of proliferation and mitogenic responses

Stem Cell Reports 2022; 17(6):1380-1394.

Pollak RM, Pincus JE, Burrell TL, Cubells JF, Klaiman C, Murphy MM, Saulnier CA, Walker EF, White SP, Mulle JG

Autism spectrum disorder symptom expression in individuals with 3q29 deletion syndrome

Molecular Autism 2022; 13:50.

Shic F, Naples AJ, Barney EC, Chang SA, Li B, McAllister T, Kim M, Dommer KJ, Hasselmo S, Atyabi A, Wang Q, Helleman G, Levin AR, Seow H, Bernier R, Charwaska K, Dawson G, Dziura J, Faja S, Jeste SS, Johnson SP, Murias M, Nelson CA, Sabatos-DeVito M, Senturk D, Sugar CA, Webb SJ, McPartland JC

The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials: evaluation of a battery of candidate eye-tracking biomarkers for use in autism clinical trials

Molecular Autism 2022; 13:15.

Sridhar A, Kuhn J, Faja S, Sabatos-DeVito M, Nikolaeva JI, Dawson G, Nelson CA, Webb SJ, Bernier R, Jeste S, Chawarska K, Sugar CA, Shic F, Naples A, Dziura J, McPartland JC

Patterns of Intervention Utilization Among School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Findings from a Multi-Site Research Consortium

Research in autism spectrum disorders 2022; 94:101950.

Webb SJ, Emerman I, Sugar C, Senturk D, Naples AJ, Faja S, Benton J, Borland H, Carlos C, Levin AR, McAllister T, Santhosh M, Bernier RA, Chawarska K, Dawson G, Dziura J, Jeste S, Kleinhans N, Murias M, Sabatos-DeVito M, Shic F, McPartland JC

Identifying Age Based Maturation in the ERP Response to Faces in Children With Autism: Implications for Developing Biomarkers for Use in Clinical Trials

Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 13:841236.

Wong A, Zhou A, Cao X, Mahaganapathy V, Azaro M, Gwin C, Wilson S, Buyske S, Bartlett CW, Flax JF, Brzustowicz LM, Xing J

MicroRNA and MicroRNA-Target Variants Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Disorders

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Zhou A, Cao X, Mahaganapathy V, Azaro M, Gwin C, Wilson S, Buyske S, Bartlett CW, Flax JF, Brzustowicz LM, Xing J

Common genetic risk factors in ASD and ADHD co-occurring families

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Carter Leno V, Pickles A, van Noordt S, Huberty S, Desjardins J, Webb SJ, Elsabbagh M

12-Month peak alpha frequency is a correlate but not a longitudinal predictor of non-verbal cognitive abilities in infants at low and high risk for autism spectrum disorder

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2021; 48:100938.

Jack A, Sullivan CA, Aylward E, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Gaab N, Van Horn JD, Eilbott J, Jacokes Z, Torgerson CM, Bernier RA, Geschwind DH, McPartland JC, Nelson CA, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA, Gupta AR

A neurogenetic analysis of female autism

Brain 2021; 144(6):1911-1926.

Jung J, Zbozinek TD, Cummings KK, Wilhelm FH, Dapretto M, Craske MG, Bookheimer SY, Green SA

Associations between physiological and neural measures of sensory reactivity in youth with autism

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines 2021; 62(10):1183-1194.

Kalvin Carla B, Gladstone Theresa R, Jordan Rebecca, Rowley Sonia, Marsh Carolyn L, Ibrahim Karim, Sukhodolsky Denis G

Assessing Irritability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Affective Reactivity Index.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2021; 51(5):1496-1507.

Kenworthy L, Verbalis A, Bascom J, daVanport S, Strang JF, Pugliese C, Freeeman A, Jeppsen C, Armour AC, Jost G, Hardy K, Wallace GL

Adding the missing voice: How autistic youth self-report on an executive functioning rating scale compares to parent report and that of youth with ADHD or neurotypical development

Autism : the international journal of research and practice 2021; 26(2):422-433.

Lawrence KE, Hernandez LM, Fuster E, Padgaonkar NT, Patterson G, Jung J, Okada NJ, Lowe JK, Hoekstra JN, Jack A, Aylward E, Gaab N, Van Horn JD, Bernier RA, McPartland JC, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA, Green SA, Bookheimer SY, Geschwind DH, Dapretto M

Impact of autism genetic risk on brain connectivity: a mechanism for the female protective effect

Brain 2021; 145(1):378-387.

McPartland JC

Refining Biomarker Evaluation in ASD

European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2021; 48:34-36.

McQuaid GA, Pelphrey KA, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Webb SJ, Bernier RA, McPartland JC, Van Horn JD, Wallace GL

The Gap between IQ and Adaptive Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Disentangling Diagnostic and Sex Differences

Autism : the international journal of research and practice 2021; 25(6):1565-1579.

Nadja Rita Ging-Jehli, Deepa Manda, Jill Hollway, Elizabeth Hurt, Stacey Moone, Eugene L. Arnold

A Placebo-Controlled Pilot Exploration of Cholesterol Supplementation for Autistic Symptoms in Children with Low Cholesterol

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 2021; 33(5):819-837.

Neuhaus E, Youn Kang V, Kresse A, Corrigan S, Aylward E, Bernier R, Bookheimer S, Dapretto M, Jack A, Jeste S, McPartland JC, Van Horn JD, Pelphrey K, Webb SJ

Language and Aggressive Behaviors in Male and Female Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2021; 52(1):454-462.

Neuhaus E, Lowry SJ, Santhosh M, Kresse A, Edwards LA, Keller J, Libsack EJ, Kang VY, Naples A, Jack A, Jeste S, McPartland JC, Aylward E, Bernier R, Bookheimer S, Dapretto M, Van Horn JD, Pelphrey K, Webb SJ

Resting state EEG in youth with ASD: age, sex, and relation to phenotype

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2021; 13:33.

Patterson G, Cummings KK, Jung J, Okada NJ, Tottenham N, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Green SA

Effects of sensory distraction and salience priming on emotion identification in autism: an fMRI study

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2021; 13:42.

Clawson A, Strang JF, Wallace GL, Gomez-Lobo V, Jack A, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA

Parent-Child Concordance on the Pubertal Development Scale in Typically Developing and Autistic Youth

Research in autism spectrum disorders 2020; 77:101610.

Constantino JN, Abbacchi AM, Saulnier C, Klaiman C, Mandell DS, Zhang Y, Hawks Z, Bates J, Klin A, Shattuck P, Molholm S, Fitzgerald R, Roux A, Lowe JK, Geschwind DH

Timing of the Diagnosis of Autism in African American Children

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Cummings KK, Lawrence KE, Hernandez LM, Wood ET, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Green SA

Sex Differences in Salience Network Connectivity and its Relationship to Sensory Over-Responsivity in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 2020; 13(9):1489-1500.

Hernandez LM, Lawrence KE, Padgaonkar NT, Inada M, Hoekstra JN, Lowe JK, Eilbott J, Jack A, Aylward E, Gaab N, Van Horn JD, Bernier RA, McPartland JC, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA, Green SA, Geschwind DH, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M

Imaging-genetics of sex differences in ASD: distinct effects of OXTR variants on brain connectivity

Translational Psychiatry 2020; 10:82.

Kalvin Carla B, Marsh Carolyn L, Ibrahim Karim, Gladstone Theresa R, Woodward Diana, Grantz Heidi, Ventola Pamela, Sukhodolsky Denis G

Discrepancies between parent and child ratings of anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder.

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 2020; 13(1):93-103.

Lawrence KE, Hernandez LM, Eilbott J, Jack A, Aylward E, Gaab N, Van Horn JD, Bernier RA, Geschwind DH, McPartland JC, Nelson CA, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M

Neural responsivity to social rewards in autistic female youth

Translational Psychiatry 2020; 10:178.

Lawrence KE, Hernandez LM, Bowman HC, Padgaonkar NT, Fuster E, Jack A, Aylward E, Gaab N, Van Horn JD, Bernier RA, Geschwind DH, McPartland JC, Nelson CA, Webb SJ, Pelphrey KA, Green SA, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M

Sex Differences in Functional Connectivity of the Salience, Default Mode, and Central Executive Networks in Youth with ASD

Cerebral Cortex (New York, NY) 2020; 30(9):5107-5120.

Levin AR, Naples AJ, Scheffler AW, Webb SJ, Shic F, Sugar CA, Murias M, Bernier RA, Chawarska K, Dawson G, Faja S, Jeste S, Nelson CA, McPartland JC, Şentürk D

Day-to-Day Test-Retest Reliability of EEG Profiles in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development

Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 2020; 14:21.

McPartland JC, Bernier RA, Jeste SS, Dawson G, Nelson CA, Chawarska K, Earl R, Faja S, Johnson SP, Sikich L, Brandt CA, Dziura JD, Rozenblit L, Hellemann G, Levin AR, Murias M, Naples AJ, Platt ML, Sabatos-DeVito M, Shic F, Senturk D, Sugar CA, Webb SJ

The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT): Scientific Context, Study Design, and Progress Toward Biomarker Qualification

Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 2020; 14:16.

Neuhaus E, Bernier RA, Webb SJ

Social motivation across multiple measures: Caregiver-report of children with ASD

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 2020; 14(2):369-379.

Smith AM, Natowicz MR, Braas D, Ludwig MA, Ney DM, Donley EL, Burrier RE, Amaral DG

A Metabolomics Approach to Screening for Autism Risk in the Children's Autism Metabolome Project

Autism Research 2020; 13(8):1270-1285.

Sukhodolsky Denis G, Lecavalier Luc, Johnson Cynthia, Smith Tristram, Swiezy Naomi, Bearss Karen, Kalvin Carla B, Scahill Lawrence

Anxiety in 3- to 7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder seeking treatment for disruptive behavior.

Autism : the international journal of research and practice 2020; 24(2):400-410.

Tang Siyi, Sun Nanbo, Floris Dorothea L, Zhang Xiuming, Di Martino Adriana, Yeo B T Thomas

Reconciling Dimensional and Categorical Models of Autism Heterogeneity: A Brain Connectomics and Behavioral Study.

Biological psychiatry 2020; 87(12):1071-1082.

Vaidya Chandan J, You Xiaozhen, Mostofsky Stewart, Pereira Francisco, Berl Madison M, Kenworthy Lauren

Data-driven identification of subtypes of executive function across typical development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorders.

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines 2020; 61(1):51-61.

Desai A, Foss-Feig JH, Naples AJ, Coffman M, McPartland JC

Autistic and alexithymic traits modulate distinct aspects of face perception

Brain and cognition 2019; 137:103616.

Flax J, Gwin C, Wilson S, Fradkin Y, Buyske S, Brzustowicz L

Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder: another name for the Broad Autism Phenotype?

Autism : the international journal of research and practice 2019; 23(8):1982-1992.

Green SA, Hernandez L, Lawrence KE, Liu J, Tsang T, Yeargin J, Cummings K, Laugeson E, Dapretto M, Bookheimer SY

Distinct Patterns of Neural Habituation and Generalization in Youth With Autism, With and Without Sensory Over-Responsivity

The American journal of psychiatry 2019; 176(12):1010-1020.

Hare-Harris Abby E, Mitchel Marissa W, Myers Scott M, Mitchel Aaron D, King Brian R, Ruocco Brittany G, Martin Christa Lese, Flax Judy F, Brzustowicz Linda M

Within-task variability on standardized language tests predicts autism spectrum disorder: a pilot study of the Response Dispersion Index.

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 2019; 11(1):21.

Ibrahim Karim, Kalvin Carla, Marsh Carolyn L, Anzano Anthony, Gorynova Lyudmila, Cimino Kimberly, Sukhodolsky Denis G

Anger Rumination is Associated with Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2019; 49(9):3656-3668.

Ibrahim Karim, Eilbott Jeffrey A, Ventola Pamela, He George, Pelphrey Kevin A, McCarthy Gregory, Sukhodolsky Denis G

Reduced Amygdala-Prefrontal Functional Connectivity in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-occurring Disruptive Behavior.

Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging 2019; 4(12):1031-1041.

Patowary Ashok, Won So Yeon, Oh Shin Ji, Nesbitt Ryan R, Archer Marilyn, Nickerson Debbie, Raskind Wendy H, Bernier Raphael, Lee Ji Eun, Brkanac Zoran

Family-based exome sequencing and case-control analysis implicate CEP41 as an ASD gene.

Translational psychiatry 2019; 9(1):4.

Pollak Rebecca M, Murphy Melissa M, Epstein Michael P, Zwick Michael E, Klaiman Cheryl, Saulnier Celine A, Mulle Jennifer G

Neuropsychiatric phenotypes and a distinct constellation of ASD features in 3q29 deletion syndrome: results from the 3q29 registry.

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Inherited and de novo genetic risk for autism impacts shared networks

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Invertible Network for Classification and Biomarker Selection for ASD

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ASD restricted and repetitive behaviors associated at 17q21.33: genes prioritized by expression in fetal brains.

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Neuhaus Emily, Beauchaine Theodore P, Bernier Raphael A, Webb Sara J

Child and family characteristics moderate agreement between caregiver and clinician report of autism symptoms.

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 2018; 11(3):476-487.

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An analytical framework for whole genome sequence association studies and its implications for autism spectrum disorder

Nature genetics 2018; 50(5):727-736.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Working Group of The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium

Meta-analysis of GWAS of over 16,000 individuals with autism spectrum disorder highlights a novel locus at 10q24.32 and a significant overlap with schizophrenia.

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Molecular analyses of neurogenic defects in a human pluripotent stem cell model of fragile X syndrome.

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Leveraging blood serotonin as an endophenotype to identify de novo and rare variants involved in autism

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Hotspots of missense mutation identify neurodevelopmental disorder genes and functional domains.

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Copy number variation meta-analysis reveals a novel duplication at 9p24 associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders

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Additive effects of oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms on reward circuitry in youth with autism.

Molecular psychiatry 2017; 22(8):1134-1139.

Patowary Ashok, Nesbitt Ryan, Archer Marilyn, Bernier Raphael, Brkanac Zoran

Next Generation Sequencing Mitochondrial DNA Analysis in Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 2017; 10(8):1338-1343.

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Charting a Course for Autism Biomarkers

Biological psychiatry 2017; 82(3):155-156.

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Parenting a Child with ASD: Comparison of Parenting Style Between ASD, Anxiety, and Typical Development.

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Genome-Wide Association Study of Meiotic Recombination Phenotypes

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Evaluation of Quantified Social Perception Circuit Activity as a Neurobiological Marker of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Mutations in Human Accelerated Regions (HARs) Disrupt Cognition and Social Behavior

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Re-conceptualizing ASD Within a Dimensional Framework: Positive, Negative, and Cognitive Feature Clusters

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Rare Inherited and De Novo CNVs Reveal Complex Contributions to ASD Risk in Multiplex Families.

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Pivotal Response Treatment Prompts a Functional Rewiring of the Brain amongst Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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The autism-associated chromatin modifier CHD8 regulates other autism risk genes during human neurodevelopment.

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Gene hunting in autism spectrum disorder: on the path to precision medicine

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Identification of Human Neuronal Protein Complexes Reveals Biochemical Activities and Convergent Mechanisms of Action in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Social responsiveness, an autism endophenotype: genomewide significant linkage to two regions on chromosome 8.

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FOXG1-Dependent Dysregulation of GABA/Glutamate Neuron Differentiation in Autism Spectrum Disorders.

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The Autism Simplex Collection: an international, expertly phenotyped autism sample for genetic and phenotypic analyses

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SLC6A3 coding variant Ala559Val found in two autism probands alters dopamine transporter function and trafficking

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The Autism Simplex Collection: an international, expertly phenotyped autism sample for genetic and phenotypic analyses

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Rare deleterious mutations of the gene EFR3A in autism spectrum disorders

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Update on diagnostic classification in autism

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ASD: Psychopharmacologic Treatments and Neurophysiologic Underpinnings

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Quantitative linkage analysis to the autism endophenotype social responsiveness identifies genome-wide significant linkage to two regions on chromosome 8

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Building a social neuroscience of autism spectrum disorder.

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Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements

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Bipolar Disorder

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Epigenetic signatures relating to disease-associated genotypic burden in familial risk of bipolar disorder

Translational Psychiatry 2022; 12:310.

Hindley G, Bahrami S, Steen NE, O'Connell KS, Frei O, Shadrin A, Bettella F, Rødevand L, Fan CC, Dale AM, Djurovic S, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA

Characterising the shared genetic determinants of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and risk-taking

Translational Psychiatry 2021; 11:466.

Hu B, Won H, Mah W, Park RB, Kassim B, Spiess K, Kozlenkov A, Crowley CA, Pochareddy S, Li Y, Dracheva S, Sestan N, Akbarian S, Geschwind DH

Neuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders

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Coleman JR, Gaspar HA, Bryois J, Breen G

The genetics of the mood disorder spectrum: genome-wide association analyses of over 185,000 cases and 439,000 controls

Biological psychiatry 2019; 88(2):169-184.

Jons WA, Colby CL, McElroy SL, Frye MA, Biernacka JM, Winham SJ

Statistical methods for testing X chromosome variant associations: application to sex-specific characteristics of bipolar disorder

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Mullins N, Bigdeli TB, Børglum AD, Coleman JR, Demontis D, Fanous AH, Mehta D, Power RA, Ripke S, Stahl EA, Starnawska A, Anjorin A, Corvin A, Sanders AR, Forstner AJ, Reif A, Koller AC, Świątkowska B, Baune BT, Müller-Myhsok B, Konte B, Penninx BW, Pato C, Zai C, Rujescu D, Hougaard DM, Quested D, Levinson DF, Binder EB, Byrne EM, Agerbo E, Streit F, Mayoral F, Bellivier F, Degenhardt F, Breen G, Morken G, Turecki G, Rouleau GA, Grabe HJ, Völzke H, Jones I, Giegling I, Agartz I, Melle I, Lawrence J, Potash JB, Walters JT, Strohmaier J, Shi J, Hauser J, Biernacka JM, Vincent JB, Kelsoe J, Strauss JS, Lissowska J, Pimm J, Smoller JW, Guzman Parra J, Berger K, Scott LJ, Jones LA, Azevedo MH, Trzaskowski M, Kogevinas M, Rietschel M, Boks M, Ising M, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hamshere ML, Leboyer M, Frye M, Nöthen MM, Alda M, Preisig M, Nordentoft M, Boehnke M, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Pato MT, Renteria M, Budde M, Weissman MM, Wray NR, Bass N, Craddock N, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA, Mors O, Gejman PV, Sklar P, McGrath P, Hoffmann P, McGuffin P, Lee PH, Mortensen PB, Kahn RS, Ophoff RA, Adolfsson R, Van der Auwera S, Djurovic S, Shyn SI, Kloiber S, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Jamain S, Hamilton SP, McElroy SL, Lucae S, Cichon S, Schulze TG, Hansen T, Werge T, Air TM, Nimgaonkar V, Appadurai V, Cahn W, Milaneschi Y, Kendler KS, McQuillin A, Lewis CM

Genome-wide association study of suicide attempt in psychiatric disorders identifies association with major depression polygenic risk scores

The American journal of psychiatry 2019; 176(8):651-660.

Ho KW, Han S, Nielsen JV, Jancic D, Hing B, Fiedorowicz J, Weissman MM, Levinson DF, Potash JB

Genome-wide association study of seasonal affective disorder

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Maier RM, Zhu Z, Lee SH, Trzaskowski M, Ruderfer DM, Stahl EA, Ripke S, Wray NR, Yang J, Visscher PM, Robinson MR

Improving genetic prediction by leveraging genetic correlations among human diseases and traits

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McElroy SL, Winham SJ, Cuellar-Barboza AB, Colby CL, Ho AM, Sicotte H, Larrabee BR, Crow S, Frye MA, Biernacka JM

Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8

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Assessment of Whole-Exome Sequence Data in Attempted Suicide within a Bipolar Disorder Cohort

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Traumatic Stress Interacts With Bipolar Disorder Genetic Risk to Increase Risk for Suicide Attempts

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Evaluation of potential novel variations and their interactions related to bipolar disorders: analysis of genome-wide association study data

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Targeted Sequencing of FKBP5 in Suicide Attempters with Bipolar Disorder

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Risk factors for suicide in bipolar I disorder in two prospectively studied cohorts

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Replication of genome-wide association study (GWAS) susceptibility loci in a Latino bipolar disorder cohort

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Genetic variants associated with response to lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: a genome-wide association study

Lancet (London, England) 2016; 387(10023):1085-1093.

Hou L, Bergen SE, Akula N, Song J, Hultman CM, Landén M, Adli M, Alda M, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Badner JA, Barrett TB, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Bloss CS, Brichant-Petitjean C, Bui ET, Byerley W, Cervantes P, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Colom F, Coryell W, Craig DW, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Davis T, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Edenberg HJ, Étain B, Falkai P, Foroud T, Forstner AJ, Frisén L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Greenwood TA, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hipolito M, Hitturlingappa S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, Koller DL, König B, Lackner N, Laje G, Lang M, Lavebratt C, Lawson WB, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Liu C, Maaser A, Mahon PB, Maier W, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, McInnis MG, McKinney R, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Mühleisen TW, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, Nurnberger JI Jr, Nwulia EA, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Propping P, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rice J, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Scheftner WA, Schofield PR, Schork NJ, Schulze TG, Schumacher J, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Smith EN, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Szelinger S, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Zhang P, Zollner S, McMahon FJ

Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder

Human Molecular Genetics 2016; 25(15):3383-3394.

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Whole-Gene Sequencing Investigation of SAT1 in Attempted Suicide

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2016; 171(6):888-895.

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Factor Analysis of Temperament and Personality Traits in Bipolar Patients: Correlates with Comorbidity and Disorder Severity

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Affective instability and the course of bipolar depression: results from the STEP-BD randomised controlled trial of psychosocial treatment

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Evaluation of Whole Genome Association Study Data in Bipolar Disorders: Potential Novel SNPs and Genes


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Rare variants in neuronal excitability genes influence risk for bipolar disorder

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Investigating the role of early childhood abuse and HPA axis genes in suicide attempters with bipolar disorder

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Joo EJ, Greenwood TA, Schork N, McKinney RA, Sadovnick AD, Remick RA, Keck PE, McElroy SL, Kelsoe JR

Suggestive evidence for linkage of ADHD features in bipolar disorder to chromosome 10p14

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2010; 153(1):260-268.

Knight J, Nanette Rochberg MA, Saccone SF, Nurnberger J, Rice JP

An investigation of candidate regions for association with Bipolar disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics 2010; 153B(7):1292-1297.

Lohoff FW, Ferraro TN, Brodkin ES, Weller AE, Bloch PJ

Association between polymorphisms in the metallophosphoesterase (MPPE1) gene and bipolar disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2010; 153B(3):830-836.

McMahon FJ, Akula N, Schulze TG, Muglia P, Tozzi F, Detera-Wadleigh SD, Steele CJ, Breuer R, Strohmaier J, Wendland JR, Mattheisen M, Mühleisen TW, Maier W, Nöthen MM, Cichon S, Farmer A, Vincent JB, Holsboer F, Preisig M, Rietschel M

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data detects a risk locus for major mood disorders on chromosome 3p21.1

Nature genetics 2010; 42(2):128-131.

Oedegaard KJ, Greenwood TA, Johansson S, Jacobsen KK, Halmoy A, Fasmer OB, Akiskal HS, Haavik J, Kelsoe JR

A Genome-wide Association Study of Bipolar Disorder and Co-morbid Migraine

Genes, brain, and behavior 2010; 9(7):673-680.

Oedegaard KJ, Greenwood TA, Lunde A, Fasmer OB, Akiskal HS, Kelsoe JR, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium

A genome-wide linkage study of bipolar disorder and co-morbid migraine: replication of migraine linkage on chromosome 4q24, and suggestion of an overlapping susceptibility region for both disorders on chromosome 20p11

Journal of affective disorders 2010; 122(1):14-26.

Perlis RH, Huang J, Purcell S, Fava M, Rush AJ, Sullivan PF, Hamilton SP, McMahon FJ, Schulze T, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Willour VL, Penninx BW, Boomsma DI, Vogelzangs N, Middeldorp CM, Rietschel M, Nöthen M, Cichon S, Gurling H, Bass N, McQuillin A, Hamshere M, Craddock N, Sklar P, Smoller JW

Genome-Wide Association Study of Suicide Attempts in Mood Disorder Patients

The American journal of psychiatry 2010; 167(12):1499-1507.

Zhang P, Xiang N, Chen Y, Œliwerska E, McInnis MG, Burmeister M, Zöllner S

Family-based association analysis to finemap bipolar linkage peak on chromosome 8q24 using 2,500 genotyped SNPs and 15,000 imputed SNPs

Bipolar Disorders 2010; 12(8):786-792.

Goes FS, Willour VL, Zandi PP, Belmonte PL, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, Potash JB

Family-Based Association Study of Neuregulin 1 With Psychotic Bipolar Disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2009; 0(5):693-702.

Grover D, Verma R, Goes FS, Mahon PL, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, Potash JB

Family-based association of YWHAH in psychotic bipolar disorder

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Age-at-onset in bipolar-I disorder: mixture analysis of 1369 cases identifies three distinct clinical sub-groups

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Gene-Environment Interaction Tests for Dichotomous Traits in Trios and Sibships

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Convergent genome wide association results for bipolar disorder and substance dependence

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Polymorphisms in the GRIA1 gene region in psychotic bipolar disorder

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Kripke DF, Nievergelt CM, Joo E, Shekhtman T, Kelsoe JR

Circadian polymorphisms associated with affective disorders

Journal of Circadian Rhythms 2009; 7:2.

Maheshwari M, Shi J, Badner JA, Skol A, Willour VL, Muzny DM, Wheeler DA, Gerald FR, Detera-Wadleigh S, McMahon FJ, Potash JB, Gershon ES, Liu C, Gibbs RA

Common and Rare Variants of DAOA in Bipolar Disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2009; 150B(7):960-966.

Mansour HA, Talkowski ME, Wood J, Chowdari KV, McClain L, Prasad K, Montrose D, Fagiolini A, Friedman ES, Allen MH, Bowden CL, Calabrese J, El-Mallakh RS, Escamilla M, Faraone SV, Fossey MD, Gyulai L, Loftis JM, Hauser P, Ketter TA, Marangell LB, Miklowitz DJ, Nierenberg AA, Patel J, Sachs GS, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Laird N, Keshavan M, Thase ME, Axelson D, Birmaher B, Lewis D, Monk T, Frank E, Kupfer DJ, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VL

Association study of 21 circadian genes with bipolar I disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia

Bipolar Disorders 2009; 11(7):701-710.

Payne JL, Klein SR, Zamoiski RB, Zandi PP, Bienvenu OJ, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Swartz KL, Crowe RP, Scheftner WA, Weissman MM, Levinson DF, DePaulo JR Jr, Potash JB

Premenstrual mood symptoms: study of familiality and personality correlates in mood disorder pedigrees

Archives of women's mental health 2009; 12(1):10.1007/s00737-008-0043-4.

Perlis Roy H, Smoller Jordan W, Ferreira Manuel A R, McQuillin Andrew, Bass Nick, Lawrence Jacob, Sachs Gary S, Nimgaonkar Vishwajit, Scolnick Edward M, Gurling Hugh, Sklar Pamela, Purcell Shaun

A genomewide association study of response to lithium for prevention of recurrence in bipolar disorder.

The American journal of psychiatry 2009; 166(6):718-25.

Saunders EFH, Zhang P, Copeland JN, Mclnnis MG, Zöllner S

Suggestive linkage at 9p22 in bipolar disorder weighted by alcohol abuse

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Schulze T, Detera-Wadleigh S, Akula N, Gupta A, Kassem L, Steele J, Pearl J, Strohmaier J, Breuer R, Schwarz M, Propping P, Nöthen M, Cichon S, Schumacher J, Rietschel M, McMahon F

Two variants in Ankyrin 3 (ANK3) are independent genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder

Molecular psychiatry 2009; 14(5):487-491.

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Genome-wide association and meta-analysis of bipolar disorder in individuals of European ancestry

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Smith EN, Bloss CS, Badner JA, Barrett T, Belmonte PL, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Coryell W, Craig D, Edenberg HJ, Eskin E, Foroud T, Gershon E, Greenwood TA, Hipolito M, Koller DL, Lawson WB, Liu C, Lohoff F, McInnis MG, McMahon FJ, Mirel DB, Nievergelt C, Nurnberger J, Nwulia EA, Paschall J, Potash JB, Rice J, Schulze TG, Scheftner W, Panganiban C, Zaitlen N, Zandi PP, Zöllner S, Schork NJ, Kelsoe JR


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Expression of mitochondrial complex I subunit gene NDUFV2 in the lymphoblastoid cells derived from patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Neuroscience research 2009; 63(3):199-204.

Willour V, Chen H, Toolan J, Belmonte P, Cutler D, Goes F, Zandi P, Lee R, MacKinnon D, Mondimore F, Schweizer B, DePaulo J Jr, Gershon E, McMahon F, Potash J

Family-based association of FKBP5 in bipolar disorder

Molecular psychiatry 2009; 14(3):261-268.

Zhou X, Tang W, Greenwood TA, Guo S, He L, Geyer MA, Kelsoe JR

Transcription Factor SP4 Is a Susceptibility Gene for Bipolar Disorder

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Baum A, Akula N, Cabanero M, Cardona I, Corona W, Klemens B, Schulze T, Cichon S, Rietschel M, Nöthen M, Georgi A, Schumacher J, Schwarz M, Jamra RA, Höfels S, Propping P, Satagopan J, Detera-Wadleigh S, Hardy J, McMahon F

A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder

Molecular psychiatry 2008; 13(2):197-207.

Escamilla MA, Zavala JM

Genetics of bipolar disorder

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 2008; 10(2):141-152.

Lohoff FW, Weller AE, Bloch PJ, Nall AH, Ferraro TN, Berrettini WH

Association between polymorphisms in the vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A (VAPA) gene on chromosome 18p and bipolar disorder

Journal of Neural Transmission 2008; 115(9):1339-1345.

Lohoff FW, Bloch PJ, Weller AE, Ferraro TN, Berrettini WH

Association analysis of the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP/ADCYAP1) gene in bipolar disorder

Psychiatric genetics 2008; 18(2):53-58.

Nwulia EA, Zandi PP, McInnis MG, DePaulo Jr R, MacKinnon DF

Rapid switching of mood in families with familial bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorders 2008; 10(5):597-606.

Payne JL, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, McInnis MG, Schweizer B, Zamoiski RB, McMahon FJ, Nurnberger JI, Rice JP, Scheftner W

Familial aggregation of postpartum mood symptoms in bipolar disorder pedigrees

Bipolar disorders 2008; 10(1):38-44.

Perlis RH, Purcell S, Fagerness J, Kirby A, Petryshen TL, Fan J, Sklar P

Family-based association study of lithium-related and other candidate genes in bipolar disorder

Archives of general psychiatry 2008; 65(1):53-61.

Potash JB, Buervenich S, Cox NJ, Zandi PP, Akula N, Steele J, Rathe JA, Avramopoulos D, Detera-Wadleigh SD, Gershon ES

Gene-based SNP mapping of a psychotic bipolar affective disorder linkage region on 22q12. 3: Association with HMG2L1 and TOM1

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147(1):59-67.

Ross J, Berrettini W, Coryell W, Gershon ES, Badner JA, Kelsoe JR, McInnis MG, McMahon FJ, Murphy DL, Nurnberger JI Jr, Foroud T, Rice JP, Scheftner WB, Zandi P, Edenberg H, Byerley W

Genome-wide parametric linkage analyses of 644 bipolar pedigrees suggest susceptibility loci at chromosomes 16 and 20

Psychiatric genetics 2008; 18(4):191-198.

Saunders EH, Scott LJ, McInnis MG, Burmeister M

Familiality and diagnostic patterns of subphenotypes in the National Institutes of Mental Health bipolar sample

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147(1):18-26.

Shi J, Badner JA, Liu C

PDLIM5 and susceptibility to bipolar disorder: a family-based association study and meta-analysis

Psychiatric genetics 2008; 18(3):116-121.

Shi J, Badner JA, Hattori E, Potash JB, Willour VL, McMahon FJ, Gershon ES, Liu C

Neurotransmission and Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Family-based Association Study

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(7):1270-1277.

Shi J, Wittke-Thompson JK, Badner JA, Hattori E, Potash JB, Willour VL, McMahon FJ, Gershon ES, Liu C

Clock Genes may Influence Bipolar Disorder Susceptibility and Dysfunctional Circadian Rhythm

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(7):1047-1055.

Sklar P, Smoller J, Fan J, Ferreira M, Perlis R, Chambert K, Nimgaonkar V, McQueen M, Faraone S, Kirby A, de Bakker P, Ogdie M, Thase M, Sachs G, Todd-Brown K, Gabriel S, Sougnez C, Gates C, Blumenstiel B, Defelice M, Ardlie K, Franklin J, Muir W, McGhee K, MacIntyre D, McLean A, VanBeck M, McQuillin A, Bass N, Robinson M, Lawrence J, Anjorin A, Curtis D, Scolnick E, Daly M, Blackwood D, Gurling H, Purcell S

Whole-genome Association Study of Bipolar Disorder

Molecular psychiatry 2008; 13(6):558-569.

Zandi PP, Zoellner S, Avramopoulos D, Willour VL, Chen Y, Qin ZS, Burmeister M, Miao K, Gopalakrishnan S, McEachin R, Potash JB, DePaulo JR Jr, McInnis MG

Family-based SNP Association Study on 8q24 in Bipolar Disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008; 147B(5):612-618.

Zandi PP, Belmonte PL, Willour VL, Goes FS, Badner JA, Simpson SG, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, DePaulo JR Jr, Potash JB

Association Study of Wnt Signaling Pathway Genes in Bipolar Disorder

Archives of general psychiatry 2008; 65(7):785-793.

Barrett TB, Emberton JE, Nievergelt CM, Liang SG, Hauger RL, Eskin E, Schork NJ, Kelsoe JR

Further evidence for association of GRK3 to bipolar disorder suggests a second disease mutation

Psychiatric genetics 2007; 17(6):315-322.

Baum AE, Akula N, Cabanero M, Cardona I, Corona W, Klemens B, Schulze TG, Cichon S, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Georgi A, Schumacher J, Schwarz M, Abou Jamra R, Höfels S, Propping P, Satagopan J, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, Detera-Wadleigh SD, Hardy J, McMahon FJ

A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder

Mol Psychiatry 2007; 1-11.

Detera-Wadleigh SD, Liu C, Maheshwari M, Cardona I, Corona W, Akula N, Steele CJM, Badner JA, Kundu M, Kassem L

Sequence variation in DOCK9 and heterogeneity in bipolar disorder

Psychiatric genetics 2007; 17(5):274-286.

Goes FS, Zandi PP, Miao K, McMahon FJ, Steele J, Willour VL, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Nurnberger Jr JI, Rice JP, Scheftner W, Coryell W, Berrettini WH, Kelsoe JR, Byerley W, Murphy DL, Gershon ES, Bipolar Disorder Phenome Group, DePaulo Jr JR, McInnis MG, Potash JP

Mood-incongruent psychotic features in bipolar disorder: familial aggregation and suggestive linkage to 2p11-q14 and 13q21-33

American Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 164(2):236-247.

Goes FS, Sadler B, Toolan J, Zamoiski RD, Mondimore FM, MacKinnon DF, Schweizer B, Raymond DePaulo J, Potash JB

Psychotic features in bipolar and unipolar depression

Bipolar disorders 2007; 9(8):901-906.

Kakiuchi C, Ishiwata M, Nanko S, Kunugi H, Minabe Y, Nakamura K, Mori N, Fujii K, Yamada K, Yoshikawa T

Association analysis of ATF4 and ATF5, genes for interacting-proteins of DISC1, in bipolar disorder

Neuroscience letters 2007; 417(3):316-321.

Kakiuchi C, Ishiwata M, Nanko S, Kunugi H, Minabe Y, Nakamura K, Mori N, Fujii K, Umekage T, Tochigi M

Association analysis of HSP90B1 with bipolar disorder

Journal of human genetics 2007; 52(10):794-803.

Lopez VA, Detera-Wadleigh S, Cardona I, Kassem L, McMahon FJ, National Institute of Mental Health Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium

Nested association between genetic variation in tryptophan hydroxylase II, bipolar affective disorder, and suicide attempts

Biological psychiatry 2007; 61(2):181-186.

MacKinnon DF, Craighead B, Hoehn-Saric R

Carbon Dioxide Provocation of Anxiety and Respiratory Response in Bipolar Disorder

Journal of affective disorders 2007; 99(1-3):45-49.

Payne JL, Roy PS, Murphy-Eberenz K, Weismann MM, Swartz KL, McInnis MG, Nwulia E, Mondimore FM, MacKinnon DF, Miller EB

Reproductive cycle-associated mood symptoms in women with major depression and bipolar disorder

Journal of affective disorders 2007; 99(1):221-229.

Potash JB, Toolan J, Steele J, Eng B, Miller EB, Pearl J, Zandi PP, Schulze TG, Kassem L, Simpson SG

The bipolar disorder phenome database: a resource for genetic studies

The American journal of psychiatry 2007; 164(8):1229-1237.

Potash JB, Toolan J, Steele J, Miller EB, Pearl J, Zandi PP, Schulze TG, Kassem L, Simpson SG, Lopez V

Base de datos del fenoma del trastorno bipolar: un recurso para estudios genéticos.

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Preliminary evidence for linkage to chromosome 1q31-32, 10q23. 3, and 16p13. 3 in a South African cohort with bipolar disorder

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Association of the human kainate receptor GluR7 gene (GRIK3) with recurrent major depressive disorder

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Shi J, Hattori E, Zou H, Badner JA, Christian SL, Gershon ES, Liu C

No Evidence for Association between 19 Cholinergic Genes and Bipolar Disorder

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Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Willour VL, Huo Y, Miao K, MacKinnon DF, McInnis MG, Potash JB, DePaulo JR

SNP fine mapping of chromosome 8q24 in bipolar disorder

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Common variations in ALG9 are not associated with bipolar I disorder: a family-based study

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Genetics of bipolar disorder

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Familiality of polarity at illness onset in bipolar affective disorder

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Lohoff FW, Dahl JP, Ferraro TN, Arnold SE, Gallinat J, Sander T, Berrettini WH

Variations in the vesicular monoamine transporter 1 gene (VMAT1/SLC18A1) are associated with bipolar I disorder

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Mansour HA, Wood J, Logue T, Chowdari KV, Dayal M, Kupfer DJ, Monk TH, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VL

Association study of eight circadian genes with bipolar I disorder, schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia

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McQueen MB, Blacker D, Laird NM

Variance Calculations for Identity-by-Descent Estimation

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McQuillin A, Bass NJ, Kalsi G, Lawrence J, Puri V, Choudhury K, Detera-Wadleigh SD, Curtis D, Gurling HMD

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Nievergelt CM, Kripke DF, Barrett TB, Burg E, Remick RA, Sadovnick AD, McElroy SL, Keck PE Jr, Schork NJ, Kelsoe JR

Suggestive evidence for association of the circadian genes PERIOD3 and ARNTL with bipolar disorder

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2006; 141B(3):234-241.

Weller AE, Dahl JP, Lohoff FW, Ferraro TN, Berrettini WH

Analysis of variations in the NAPG gene on chromosome 18p11 in bipolar disorder

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Akiskal HS, Mendlowicz MV, Girardin J-L, Rapaport MH, Kelsoe JR, Gillin JC, Smith TL

TEMPS-A: validation of a short version of a self-rated instrument designed to measure variations in temperament

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Familiality of temperament in bipolar disorder: Support for a genetic spectrum

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Ferraren DO, Liu C, Badner JA, Corona W, Rezvani A, Monje VD, Gershon ES, Bonner TI, Detera-Wadleigh SD

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Kakiuchi C, Ishiwata M, Nanko S, Kunugi H, Minabe Y, Nakamura K, Mori N, Fujii K, Umekage T, Tochigi M

Functional polymorphisms of HSPA5: possible association with bipolar disorder

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Psychiatric and medical comorbidities of bipolar disorder

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Assessment of the Effect of Age at Onset on Linkage to Bipolar Disorder: Evidence on Chromosomes 18p and 21q

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Lohoff FW, Ferraro TN, McNabb L, Schwebel C, Dahl JP, Doyle GA, Buono RJ, Berrettini WH

No association between common variations in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha2 subunit gene (CHRNA2) and bipolar I disorder

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Lohoff FW, Berrettini WH

Lack of association between variations in the melanocortin 5 receptor gene and bipolar disorder

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Lohoff FW, Sander T, Ferraro TN, Dahl JP, Gallinat J, Berrettini WH

Confirmation of association between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and bipolar I disorder

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Lyons-Warren A, Chang JJ, Balkissoon R, Kamiya A, Garant M, Nurnberger J, Scheftner W, Reich T, McMahon F, Kelsoe J

Evidence of association between bipolar disorder and Citron on chromosome 12q24

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MacKinnon DF, Potash JB, McMahon FJ, Simpson SG, Raymond DePaulo J, Zandi PP

Rapid mood switching and suicidality in familial bipolar disorder

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Mansour HA, Talkowski ME, Wood J, Pless L, Bamne M, Chowdari KV, Allen M, Bowden CL, Calabrese J, El-Mallakh RS

Serotonin gene polymorphisms and bipolar I disorder: focus on the serotonin transporter

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Mansour A, Monk TH, Nimgaonkar VL

Circadian genes and bipolar disorder

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Association analysis of CHMP1.5 genetic variation and bipolar disorder

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McQueen MB, Devlin B, Faraone SV, Nimgaonkar VL, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Abou Jamra R, Albus M, Bacanu SA, Baron M, Barrett TB, Berrettini W, Blacker D, Byerley W, Cichon S, Coryell W, Craddock N, Daly MJ, DePaulo JR, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Gill M, Gilliam TC, Hamshere M, Jones I, Jones L, Juo SH, Kelsoe JR, Lambert D, Lange C, Lerer B, Liu J, Maier W, MacKinnon JD, McInnis MG, McMahon FJ, Murphy DL, Nöthen MM, Nurnberger JI, Pato CN, Pato MT, Potash JB, Propping P, Pulver AE, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Scheftner W, Schumacher J, Segurado R, Van Steen K, Xie W, Zandi PP, Laird NM

Combined Analysis from Eleven Linkage Studies of Bipolar Disorder Provides Strong Evidence of Susceptibility Loci on Chromosomes 6q and 8q

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Mendlowicz MV, Girardin J-L, Kelsoe JR, Akiskal HS

A comparison of recovered bipolar patients, healthy relatives of bipolar probands, and normal controls using the short TEMPS-A

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Nievergelt CM, Kripke DF, Remick RA, Sadovnick AD, McElroy SL, Keck PR, Kelsoe JR

Examination of the clock gene Cryptochrome 1 in bipolar disorder: mutational analysis and absence of evidence for linkage or association

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Meeting Report for Molecular Psychiatry, 2005

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Genetic linkage of bipolar disorder to chromosome 6q22 is a consistent finding in Portuguese subpopulations and may generalize to broader populations

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Screening of PIP5K2A promoter region for mutations in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

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The NKI-Rockland Sample: A Model for Accelerating the Pace of Discovery Science in Psychiatry

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Distinctive genetic and clinical features of CMT4J: a severe neuropathy caused by mutations in the PI(3,5)P2 phosphatase FIG4

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CommonMind Consortium

Dong P, Hoffman GE, Apontes P, Bendl J, Rahman S, Fernando MB, Zeng B, Vicari JM, Zhang W, Girdhar K, Townsley KG, Misir R, Brennand KJ, Haroutunian V, Voloudakis G, Fullard JF, Roussos P

Population-level variation in enhancer expression identifies disease mechanisms in the human brain

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Sex differences in the genetic architecture of cognitive resilience to Alzheimer's disease

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Li Y, Ma C, Li S, Wang J, Li W, Yang Y, Li X, Liu J, Yang J, Liu Y, Li K, Li J, Huang D, Chen R, Lv L, Xiao X, Li M, Luo X

Regulatory Variant rs2535629 in ITIH3 Intron Confers Schizophrenia Risk By Regulating CTCF Binding and SFMBT1 Expression

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Wang J, Li S, Li X, Liu J, Yang J, Li Y, Li W, Yang Y, Li J, Chen R, Li K, Huang D, Liu Y, Lv L, Li M, Xiao X, Luo XJ

Functional variant rs2270363 on 16p13.3 confers schizophrenia risk by regulating NMRAL1

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Weiner DJ, Ling E, Erdin S, Tai DJ, Yadav R, Grove J, Fu JM, Nadig A, Carey CE, Baya N, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Berretta S, Macosko EZ, Sebat J, O'Connor LJ, Hougaard DM, Børglum AD, Talkowski ME, McCarroll SA, Robinson EB

Statistical and functional convergence of common and rare genetic influences on autism at chromosome 16p

Nature Genetics 2022; 54(11):1630-1639.

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Comprehensive and integrative analyses identify TYW5 as a schizophrenia risk gene

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Hoffman GE, Ma Y, Montgomery KS, Bendl J, Jaiswal MK, Kozlenkov A, Peters MA, Dracheva S, Fullard JF, Chess A, Devlin B, Sieberts SK, Roussos P

Sex differences in the human brain transcriptome of cases with schizophrenia

Biological psychiatry 2021; S0006-3223(21)01180-X.

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Regulatory variants at 2q33.1 confer schizophrenia risk by modulating distal gene TYW5 expression

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Li X, Su X, Liu J, Li H, Li M, Li W, Luo XJ

Transcriptome-wide association study identifies new susceptibility genes and pathways for depression

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Liu Y, Qu HQ, Chang X, Tian L, Qu J, Glessner J, Sleiman PM, Hakonarson H

Machine Learning Reduced Gene/Non-Coding RNA Features That Classify Schizophrenia Patients Accurately and Highlight Insightful Gene Clusters

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Liu J, Li S, Li X, Li W, Yang Y, Guo S, Lv L, Xiao X, Yao YG, Guan F, Li M, Luo XJ

Genome-wide association study followed by trans-ancestry meta-analysis identify 17 new risk loci for schizophrenia

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Logan RW, Xue X, Ketchesin KD, Hoffman G, Roussos P, Tseng G, McClung CA, Seney ML

Sex differences in molecular rhythms in the human cortex

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Dumitrescu L, Mahoney ER, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Bush WS, Engelman CD, Lu Q, Fardo DW, Trittschuh EH, Mez J, Kaczorowski C, Hernandez Saucedo H, Widaman KF, Buckley R, Properzi M, Mormino E, Yang HS, Harrison T, Hedden T, Nho K, Andrews SJ, Tommet D, Hadad N, Sanders RE, Ruderfer DM, Gifford KA, Moore AM, Cambronero F, Zhong X, Raghavan NS, Vardarajan B, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Cruchaga C, Schellenberg G, Cox NJ, Haines JL, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Larson EB, Sperling RA, Mayeux R, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ

Genetic variants and functional pathways associated with resilience to Alzheimer's disease

Brain 2020; 143(8):2561-2575.

Folkersen L, Pain O, Ingason A, Werge T, Lewis CM, Austin J

Impute.me: An Open-Source, Non-profit Tool for Using Data From Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing to Calculate and Interpret Polygenic Risk Scores

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Han L, Zhao X, Benton ML, Perumal T, Collins RL, Hoffman GE, Johnson JS, Sloofman L, Wang HZ, Stone MR, Brennand KJ, Brand H, Sieberts SK, Marenco S, Peters MA, Lipska BK, Roussos P, Capra JA, Talkowski M, Ruderfer DM

Functional annotation of rare structural variation in the human brain

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Independent replications and integrative analyses confirm TRANK1 as a susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder

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Identification of a functional human-unique 351-bp Alu insertion polymorphism associated with major depressive disorder in the 1p31.1 GWAS risk loci

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CommonMind Consortium provides transcriptomic and epigenomic data for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

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Mullins N, Bigdeli TB, Børglum AD, Coleman JR, Demontis D, Fanous AH, Mehta D, Power RA, Ripke S, Stahl EA, Starnawska A, Anjorin A, Corvin A, Sanders AR, Forstner AJ, Reif A, Koller AC, Świątkowska B, Baune BT, Müller-Myhsok B, Konte B, Penninx BW, Pato C, Zai C, Rujescu D, Hougaard DM, Quested D, Levinson DF, Binder EB, Byrne EM, Agerbo E, Streit F, Mayoral F, Bellivier F, Degenhardt F, Breen G, Morken G, Turecki G, Rouleau GA, Grabe HJ, Völzke H, Jones I, Giegling I, Agartz I, Melle I, Lawrence J, Potash JB, Walters JT, Strohmaier J, Shi J, Hauser J, Biernacka JM, Vincent JB, Kelsoe J, Strauss JS, Lissowska J, Pimm J, Smoller JW, Guzman Parra J, Berger K, Scott LJ, Jones LA, Azevedo MH, Trzaskowski M, Kogevinas M, Rietschel M, Boks M, Ising M, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hamshere ML, Leboyer M, Frye M, Nöthen MM, Alda M, Preisig M, Nordentoft M, Boehnke M, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Pato MT, Renteria M, Budde M, Weissman MM, Wray NR, Bass N, Craddock N, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA, Mors O, Gejman PV, Sklar P, McGrath P, Hoffmann P, McGuffin P, Lee PH, Mortensen PB, Kahn RS, Ophoff RA, Adolfsson R, Van der Auwera S, Djurovic S, Shyn SI, Kloiber S, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Jamain S, Hamilton SP, McElroy SL, Lucae S, Cichon S, Schulze TG, Hansen T, Werge T, Air TM, Nimgaonkar V, Appadurai V, Cahn W, Milaneschi Y, Kendler KS, McQuillin A, Lewis CM

Genome-wide association study of suicide attempt in psychiatric disorders identifies association with major depression polygenic risk scores

The American journal of psychiatry 2019; 176(8):651-660.

Zhang X, Abdellaoui A, Rucker J, de Jong S, Potash JB, Weissman MM, Shi J, Knowles JA, Pato C, Pato M, Sobell J, Smit JH, Hottenga JJ, de Geus EJ, Lewis CM, Buttenschøn HN, Craddock N, Jones I, Jones L, McGuffin P, Mors O, Owen MJ, Preisig M, Rietschel M, Rice JP, Rivera M, Uher R, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Boomsma D, Penninx BW, Breen G, Levinson DF

Genome-wide burden of rare short deletions is enriched in Major Depressive Disorder in four cohorts

Biological psychiatry 2019; 85(12):1065-1073.

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Adiponectin Moderates Antidepressant Treatment Outcome in the Combining Medications to Enhance Depression Outcomes Randomized Clinical Trial

Personalized medicine in psychiatry 2018; 9-10:1-7.

Guintivano J, Krohn H, Lewis C, Byrne EM, Henders AK, Ploner A, Kirk K, Martin NG, Milgrom J, Wray NR, Sullivan PF, Meltzer-Brody S

PPD ACT: an app-based genetic study of postpartum depression

Translational Psychiatry 2018; 8:260.

Whitton AE, Webb CA, Dillon DG, Kayser J, Rutherford A, Goer F, Fava M, McGrath P, Weissman M, Parsey R, Adams P, Trombello JM, Cooper C, Deldin P, Oquendo MA, McInnis MG, Carmody T, Bruder G, Trivedi MH, Pizzagalli DA

Pre-treatment rostral anterior cingulate cortex connectivity with salience network predicts depression recovery: Findings from the EMBARC randomized clinical trial

Biological psychiatry 2018; 85(10):872-880.

Bigdeli T B, Ripke S, Peterson R E, Trzaskowski M, Bacanu S-A, Abdellaoui A, Andlauer T F M, Beekman A T F, Berger K, Blackwood D H R, Boomsma D I, Breen G, Buttenschøn H N, Byrne E M, Cichon S, Clarke T-K, Couvy-Duchesne B, Craddock N, de Geus E J C, Degenhardt F, Dunn E C, Edwards A C, Fanous A H, Forstner A J, Frank J, Gill M, Gordon S D, Grabe H J, Hamilton S P, Hardiman O, Hayward C, Heath A C, Henders A K, Herms S, Hickie I B, Hoffmann P, Homuth G, Hottenga J-J, Ising M, Jansen R, Kloiber S, Knowles J A, Lang M, Li Q S, Lucae S, MacIntyre D J, Madden P A F, Martin N G, McGrath P J, McGuffin P, McIntosh A M, Medland S E, Mehta D, Middeldorp C M, Milaneschi Y, Montgomery G W, Mors O, Müller-Myhsok B, Nauck M, Nyholt D R, Nöthen M M, Owen M J, Penninx B W J H, Pergadia M L, Perlis R H, Peyrot W J, Porteous D J, Potash J B, Rice J P, Rietschel M, Riley B P, Rivera M, Schoevers R, Schulze T G, Shi J, Shyn S I, Smit J H, Smoller J W, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Teumer A, Treutlein J, Van der Auwera S, van Grootheest G, van Hemert A M, Völzke H, Webb B T, Weissman M M, Wellmann J, Willemsen G, Witt S H, Levinson D F, Lewis C M, Wray N R, Flint J, Sullivan P F, Kendler K S

Genetic effects influencing risk for major depressive disorder in China and Europe.

Translational psychiatry 2017; 7(3):e1074.

Power Robert A, Tansey Katherine E, Buttenschøn Henriette Nørmølle, Cohen-Woods Sarah, Bigdeli Tim, Hall Lynsey S, Kutalik Zoltán, Lee S Hong, Ripke Stephan, Steinberg Stacy, Teumer Alexander, Viktorin Alexander, Wray Naomi R, Arolt Volker, Baune Bernard T, Boomsma Dorret I, Børglum Anders D, Byrne Enda M, Castelao Enrique, Craddock Nick, Craig Ian W, Dannlowski Udo, Deary Ian J, Degenhardt Franziska, Forstner Andreas J, Gordon Scott D, Grabe Hans J, Grove Jakob, Hamilton Steven P, Hayward Caroline, Heath Andrew C, Hocking Lynne J, Homuth Georg, Hottenga Jouke J, Kloiber Stefan, Krogh Jesper, Landén Mikael, Lang Maren, Levinson Douglas F, Lichtenstein Paul, Lucae Susanne, MacIntyre Donald J, Madden Pamela, Magnusson Patrik K E, Martin Nicholas G, McIntosh Andrew M, Middeldorp Christel M, Milaneschi Yuri, Montgomery Grant W, Mors Ole, Müller-Myhsok Bertram, Nyholt Dale R, Oskarsson Hogni, Owen Michael J, Padmanabhan Sandosh, Penninx Brenda W J H, Pergadia Michele L, Porteous David J, Potash James B, Preisig Martin, Rivera Margarita, Shi Jianxin, Shyn Stanley I, Sigurdsson Engilbert, Smit Johannes H, Smith Blair H, Stefansson Hreinn, Stefansson Kari, Strohmaier Jana, Sullivan Patrick F, Thomson Pippa, Thorgeirsson Thorgeir E, Van der Auwera Sandra, Weissman Myrna M, Breen Gerome, Lewis Cathryn M

Genome-wide Association for Major Depression Through Age at Onset Stratification: Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.

Biological psychiatry 2017; 81(4):325-335.

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Interaction between the FTO gene, body mass index and depression: meta-analysis of 13701 individuals

The British Journal of Psychiatry 2017; 211(2):70-76.

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Symptom profiles and illness course among Anabaptist and Non-Anabaptist adults with major mood disorders

International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016; 4:21.

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Replication of Epigenetic Postpartum Depression Biomarkers and Variation with Hormone Levels.

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2016; 41(6):1648-58.

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Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of anxiety disorders

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A Preliminary Study of Genetic Variation in the Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Systems and Genome-wide Additive Genetic Effects on Depression Severity and Treatment Response

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Establishing moderators and biosignatures of antidepressant response in clinical care (EMBARC): Rationale and design.

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Leonpacher AK, Liebers D, Pirooznia M, Jancic D, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Goes FS

Distinguishing bipolar from unipolar depression: the importance of clinical symptoms and illness features

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Leonpacher AK, Liebers D, Pirooznia M, Jancic D, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Goes FS

Distinguishing bipolar from unipolar depression: the importance of clinical symptoms and illness features

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Replication of Epigenetic Postpartum Depression Biomarkers and Variation with Hormone Levels

Neuropsychopharmacology 2015; 41(6):1648-1658.

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Hypermethylation in the ZBTB20 gene is associated with major depressive disorder

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Common genetic variation and antidepressant efficacy in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of three genome-wide pharmacogenetic studies

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A genome-wide association study of a sustained pattern of antidepressant response.

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A Genome-wide Association Study of a Sustained Pattern of Antidepressant Response

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Type I interferon signaling genes in recurrent major depression: increased expression detected by whole-blood RNA sequencing

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Association Study of Serotonin Pathway Genes in Attempted Suicide

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A genomewide association study points to multiple loci that predict antidepressant drug treatment outcome in depression.

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Mitochondrial Mutations and Polymorphisms in Psychiatric Disorders

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Copy Number Variants in Schizophrenia: Confirmation of Five Previous Findings and New Evidence for 3q29 Microdeletions and VIPR2 Duplications

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Copy number variants in schizophrenia: confirmation of five previous findings and new evidence for 3q29 microdeletions and VIPR2 duplications

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Copy number variants in schizophrenia: confirmation of five previous findings and new evidence for 3q29 microdeletions and VIPR2 duplications.

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Lien YJ, Hsiao PC, Liu CM, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Hwu HG, Chen WJ

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A systematic method for estimating individual responses to treatment with antipsychotics in CATIE

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Linkage analysis of schizophrenia in African-American families

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Abnormal Auditory N100 Amplitude: A Heritable Endophenotype in First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia Probands

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The Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia: neurocognitive endophenotypes

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Association evidence of schizophrenia with distal genomic region of NOTCH4 in Taiwanese families

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No association evidence between schizophrenia and dystrobrevin-binding protein 1 (DTNBP1) in Taiwanese families

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More evidence supports the association of PPP3CC with schizophrenia

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Genetic evidence implicating DARPP-32 in human frontostriatal structure, function, and cognition

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Successful multi-site measurement of antisaccade performance deficits in schizophrenia

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Association of Synapsin 2 with schizophrenia in families of Northern European ancestry

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Allelic variation in GAD1 (GAD67) is associated with schizophrenia and influences cortical function and gene expression

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Genome scan of Han Chinese schizophrenia families from Taiwan: confirmation of linkage to 10q22.3

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Early onset bipolar disorder: possible linkage to chromosome 9q34

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The G72/G30 gene complex and cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia

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Evaluation of RGS4 as a candidate gene for schizophrenia

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Genomewide Linkage Scan of 409 European-Ancestry and African American Families with Schizophrenia: Suggestive Evidence of Linkage at 8p23

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Velocardiofacial Syndrome

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Genetic contributors to risk of schizophrenia in the presence of a 22q11.2 deletion

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Using common genetic variation to examine phenotypic expression and risk prediction in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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Increased T-cell counts in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome who have anxiety.

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Solot CB, Moore TM, Crowley TB, Gerdes M, Moss E, McGinn DE, Emanuel BS, Zackai EH, Gallagher S, Calkins ME, Ruparel K, Gur RC, McDonald-McGinn D, Gur RE

Early Language Measures Associated with Later Psychosis Features in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2020; 183(6):392-400.

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Systems Analysis of the 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome Converges on a Mitochondrial Interactome Necessary for Synapse Function and Behavior

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Psychosis in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.

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Longitudinal perspectives on the psychosis spectrum in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

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Bassett Anne S, Lowther Chelsea, Merico Daniele, Costain Gregory, Chow Eva W C, van Amelsvoort Therese, McDonald-McGinn Donna, Gur Raquel E, Swillen Ann, Van den Bree Marianne, Murphy Kieran, Gothelf Doron, Bearden Carrie E, Eliez Stephan, Kates Wendy, Philip Nicole, Sashi Vandana, Campbell Linda, Vorstman Jacob, Cubells Joseph, Repetto Gabriela M, Simon Tony, Boot Erik, Heung Tracy, Evers Rens, Vingerhoets Claudia, van Duin Esther, Zackai Elaine, Vergaelen Elfi, Devriendt Koen, Vermeesch Joris R, Owen Michael, Murphy Clodagh, Michaelovosky Elena, Kushan Leila, Schneider Maude, Fremont Wanda, Busa Tiffany, Hooper Stephen, McCabe Kathryn, Duijff Sasja, Isaev Karin, Pellecchia Giovanna, Wei John, Gazzellone Matthew J, Scherer Stephen W, Emanuel Beverly S, Guo Tingwei, Morrow Bernice E, Marshall Christian R

Rare Genome-Wide Copy Number Variation and Expression of Schizophrenia in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.

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A neurogenetic model for the study of schizophrenia spectrum disorders: the International 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Brain Behavior Consortium.

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Mekori-Domachevsky Ehud, Guri Yael, Yi James, Weisman Omri, Calkins Monica E, Tang Sunny X, Gross Raz, McDonald-McGinn Donna M, Emanuel Beverly S, Zackai Elaine H, Zalsman Gil, Weizman Abraham, Gur Ruben C, Gur Raquel E, Gothelf Doron

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White matter microstructural deficits in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

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The Psychosis Spectrum in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Is Comparable to That of Nondeleted Youths.

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A catalog of hemizygous variation in 127 22q11 deletion patients

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Disrupted anatomic networks in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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Neurocognitive profile in psychotic versus nonpsychotic individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

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A cognitive decline precedes the onset of psychosis in patients with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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Impact of psychiatric comorbidity and cognitive deficit on function in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

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Neurocognitive development in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Comparison to youth with developmental delay and medical comorbidities

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Incidental Radiologic Findings in the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

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Aberrant Cortical Morphometry in the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

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Psychiatric disorders in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome are prevalent but undertreated

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Melanin Concentrating Hormone Signaling Deficits in Schizophrenia: Association With Memory and Social Impairments and Abnormal Sensorimotor Gating

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Walker RL, Ramaswami G, Hartl C, Mancuso N, Gandal MJ, de la Torre-Ubieta L, Pasaniuc B, Stein JL, Geschwind DH

Genetic Control of Expression and Splicing in Developing Human Brain Informs Disease Mechanisms

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Amiri Anahita, Coppola Gianfilippo, Scuderi Soraya, Wu Feinan, Roychowdhury Tanmoy, Liu Fuchen, Pochareddy Sirisha, Shin Yurae, Safi Alexias, Song Lingyun, Zhu Ying, Sousa Andre M. M., Gerstein Mark, Crawford Gregory E., Sestan Nenad, Abyzov Alexej, Vaccarino Flora M.

Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids

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Amiri A, Coppola G, Scuderi S, Wu F, Roychowdhury T, Liu F, Pochareddy S, Shin Y, Safi A, Song L, Zhu Y, Sousa AM, Gerstein M, Crawford GE, Sestan N, Abyzov A, Vaccarino FM

Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in brain organoids

Science (New York, N.Y.) 2018; 362(6420):eaat6720.

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Genome-wide de novo risk score implicates promoter variation in autism spectrum disorder

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Genome-wide de novo risk score implicates promoter variation in autism spectrum disorder

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The transcription factor POU3F2 regulates a gene coexpression network in brain tissue from patients with psychiatric disorders

Science Translational Medicine 2018

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Transcriptome-wide isoform-level dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder

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Transcriptome-wide isoform-level dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder

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Shared molecular neuropathology across major psychiatric disorders parallels polygenic overlap

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Cell-specific histone modification maps link schizophrenia risk to the neuronal epigenome

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Transcriptome-wide association study of schizophrenia and chromatin activity yields mechanistic disease insights

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A unique role for DNA (hydroxy)methylation in epigenetic regulation of human inhibitory neurons

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Integrative Functional Genomic Analysis of Human Brain Development and Neuropsychiatric Risk

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Meng Qingtuan, Wang Kangli, Brunetti Tonya, Xia Yan, Jiao Chuan, Dai Rujia, Fitzgerald Dominic, Thomas Amber, Jay Lindsey, Eckart Heather, Grennan Kay, Imamura-Kawasawa Yuka, Li Mingfeng, Sestan Nenad, White Kevin P., Chen Chao, Liu Chunyu

The DGCR5 long noncoding RNA may regulate expression of several schizophrenia-related genes

Science Translational Medicine 2018

Meng Q, Wang K, Brunetti T, Xia Y, Jiao C, Dai R, Fitzgerald D, Thomas A, Jay L, Eckart H, Grennan K, Imamura-Kawasawa Y, Li M, Sestan N, White KP, Chen C, Liu C

A Long Non-coding RNA DGCR5 May Contribute to Regulating Expression of Schizophrenia-Related Genes

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Neuron-specific signatures in the chromosomal connectome associated with schizophrenia risk

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Defining Regulatory Elements in the Human Genome Using Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome Sequencing (NOMe-seq)

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Rhie SK, Schreiner S, Witt H, Armoskus C, Lay FD, Camarena A, Spitsyna VN, Guo Y, Berman BP, Evgrafov OV, Knowles JA, Farnham PJ

Using 3D epigenomic maps of primary olfactory neuronal cells from living individuals to understand gene regulation

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Transcriptomic evidence for alterations in astrocytes and parvalbumin interneurons in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia subjects

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Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain

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Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain

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Spatiotemporal transcriptomic divergence across human and macaque brain development

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Spatio-temporal transcriptomic divergence across human and macaque brain development

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A Multiregional Proteomic Survey of the Postnatal Human Brain

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Molecular and Cellular Reorganization of Neural Circuits in the Human Lineage

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The PsychENCODE project

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Tourette Syndrome

Abdulkadir M, Yu D, Osiecki L, King RA, Fernandez TV, Brown LW, Cheon KA, Coffey BJ, Garcia-Delgar B, Gilbert DL, Grice DE, Hagstrøm J, Hedderly T, Heyman I, Hong HJ, Huyser C, Ibanez-Gomez L, Kim YK, Kim YS, Koh YJ, Kook S, Kuperman S, Leventhal B, Madruga-Garrido M, Maras A, Mir P, Morer A, Münchau A, Plessen KJ, Roessner V, Shin EY, Song DH, Song J, Visscher F, Zinner SH, Mathews CA, Scharf JM, Tischfield JA, Heiman GA, Dietrich A, Hoekstra PJ

Investigation of gene-environment interactions in relation to tic severity

Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996) 2021; 128(11):1757-1765.

Cao X, Zhang Y, Abdulkadir M, Deng L, Fernandez TV, Garcia-Delgar B, Hagstrøm J, Hoekstra PJ, King RA, Koesterich J, Kuperman S, Morer A, Nasello C, Plessen KJ, Thackray JK, Zhou L, Dietrich A, Tischfield JA, Heiman GA, Xing J

Whole exome sequencing identifies genes associated with Tourette's Disorder in multiplex families

Molecular psychiatry 2021; 26(11):6937-6951.

Abdulkadir Mohamed, Mathews Carol A, Scharf Jeremiah M, Yu Dongmei, Tischfield Jay A, Heiman Gary A, Hoekstra Pieter J, Dietrich Andrea

Polygenic Risk Scores Derived From a Tourette Syndrome Genome-wide Association Study Predict Presence of Tics in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Cohort.

Biological psychiatry 2019; 85(4):298-304.

Sun N, Nasello C, Deng L, Wang N, Zhang Y, Xu Z, Song Z, Kwan K, King R A, Pang Z P, Xing J, Heiman G A, Tischfield J A

The PNKD gene is associated with Tourette Disorder or Tic disorder in a multiplex family.

Molecular psychiatry 2018; 23(6):1487-1495.

Wang S, Mandell JD, Kumar Y, Sun N, Morris MT, Arbelaez J, Nasello C, Dong S, Duhn C, Zhao X, Yang Z, Padmanabhuni SS, Yu D, King RA, Dietrich A, Khalifa N, Dahl N, Huang AY, Neale BM, Coppola G, Mathews CA, Fernandez TV, Buxbaum JD, De Rubeis S, Grice DE, Xing J, Heiman GA, Tischfield JA, Paschou P, Willsey AJ, State MW

De Novo Sequence and Copy Number Variants Are Strongly Associated with Tourette Disorder and Implicate Cell Polarity in Pathogenesis

Cell reports 2018; 24(13):3441-3454.e12.

Abdulkadir M, Londono D, Gordon D, Fernandez TV, Brown LW, Cheon KA, Coffey BJ, Elzerman L, Fremer C, Fründt O, Garcia-Delgar B, Gilbert DL, Grice DE, Hedderly T, Heyman I, Hong HJ, Huyser C, Ibanez-Gomez L, Jakubovski E, Kim YK, Kim YS, Koh YJ, Kook S, Kuperman S, Leventhal B, Ludolph AG, Madruga-Garrido M, Maras A, Mir P, Morer A, Müller-Vahl K, Münchau A, Murphy TL, Plessen KJ, Roessner V, Shin EY, Song DH, Song J, Tübing J, van den Ban E, Visscher F, Wanderer S, Woods M, Zinner SH, King RA, Tischfield JA, Heiman GA, Hoekstra PJ, Dietrich A

Investigation of previously implicated genetic variants in chronic tic disorders: a transmission disequilibrium test approach

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2017; 268(3):301-316.

Willsey AJ, Fernandez TV, Yu D, King RA, Dietrich A, Xing J, Sanders SJ, Mandell JD, Huang AY, Richer P, Smith L, Dong S, Samocha KE, Neale BM, Coppola G, Mathews CA, Tischfield JA, Scharf JM, State MW, Heiman GA

De Novo Coding Variants Are Strongly Associated with Tourette Disorder

Neuron 2017; 94(3):486-499.e9.

Abdulkadir M, Tischfield JA, King RA, Fernandez TV, Brown LW, Cheon KA, Coffey BJ, de Bruijn SF, Elzerman L, Garcia-Delgar B, Gilbert DL, Grice DE, Hagstrøm J, Hedderly T, Heyman I, Hong HJ, Huyser C, Ibanez-Gomez L, Kim YK, Kim YS, Koh YJ, Kook S, Kuperman S, Lamerz A, Leventhal B, Ludolph AG, Madruga-Garrido M, Maras A, Messchendorp MD, Mir P, Morer A, Münchau A, Murphy TL, Openneer TJ, Plessen KJ, Rath JJ, Roessner V, Fründt O, Shin EY, Sival DA, Song DH, Song J, Stolte AM, Tübing J, van den Ban E, Visscher F, Wanderer S, Woods M, Zinner SH, State MW, Heiman GA, Hoekstra PJ, Dietrich A

Pre- and perinatal complications in relation to Tourette syndrome and co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Journal of psychiatric research 2016; 82:126-135.

Alexander John, Potamianou Hera, Xing Jinchuan, Deng Li, Karagiannidis Iordanis, Tsetsos Fotis, Drineas Petros, Tarnok Zsanett, Rizzo Renata, Wolanczyk Tomasz, Farkas Luca, Nagy Peter, Szymanska Urszula, Androutsos Christos, Tsironi Vaia, Koumoula Anastasia, Barta Csaba, Sandor Paul, Barr Cathy L, Tischfield Jay, Paschou Peristera, Heiman Gary A, Georgitsi Marianthi

Targeted Re-Sequencing Approach of Candidate Genes Implicates Rare Potentially Functional Variants in Tourette Syndrome Etiology.

Frontiers in neuroscience 2016; 10:428.

Georgitsi Marianthi, Willsey A Jeremy, Mathews Carol A, State Matthew, Scharf Jeremiah M, Paschou Peristera

The Genetic Etiology of Tourette Syndrome: Large-Scale Collaborative Efforts on the Precipice of Discovery.

Frontiers in neuroscience 2016; 10:351.

Sun Nawei, Tischfield Jay A, King Robert A, Heiman Gary A

Functional Evaluations of Genes Disrupted in Patients with Tourette's Disorder.

Frontiers in psychiatry 2016; 7:11.

de Leeuw C, Goudriaan A, Smit AB, Yu D, Mathews CA, Scharf JM, Verheijen MH, Posthuma D

Involvement of astrocyte metabolic coupling in Tourette syndrome pathogenesis

European Journal of Human Genetics 2015; 23(11):1519-1522.

de Leeuw Christiaan, Goudriaan Andrea, Smit August B, Yu Dongmei, Mathews Carol A, Scharf Jeremiah M, Verheijen Mark H G, Posthuma Danielle

Involvement of astrocyte metabolic coupling in Tourette syndrome pathogenesis.

European journal of human genetics : EJHG 2015; 23(11):1519-22.

Dietrich Andrea, Fernandez Thomas V, King Robert A, State Matthew W, Tischfield Jay A, Hoekstra Pieter J, Heiman Gary A, TIC Genetics Collaborative Group

The Tourette International Collaborative Genetics (TIC Genetics) study, finding the genes causing Tourette syndrome: objectives and methods.

European child & adolescent psychiatry 2015; 24(2):141-51.

Huertas-Fernández Ismael, Gómez-Garre Pilar, Madruga-Garrido Marcos, Bernal-Bernal Inmaculada, Bonilla-Toribio Marta, Martín-Rodríguez Juan Francisco, Cáceres-Redondo María Teresa, Vargas-González Laura, Carrillo Fátima, Pascual Alberto, Tischfield Jay A, King Robert A, Heiman Gary A, Mir Pablo

GDNF gene is associated with tourette syndrome in a family study.

Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2015; 30(8):1115-20.

Yu Dongmei, Mathews Carol A, Scharf Jeremiah M, Neale Benjamin M, Davis Lea K, Gamazon Eric R, Derks Eske M, Evans Patrick, Edlund Christopher K, Crane Jacquelyn, Fagerness Jesen A, Osiecki Lisa, Gallagher Patience, Gerber Gloria, Haddad Stephen, Illmann Cornelia, McGrath Lauren M, Mayerfeld Catherine, Arepalli Sampath, Barlassina Cristina, Barr Cathy L, Bellodi Laura, Benarroch Fortu, Berrió Gabriel Bedoya, Bienvenu O Joseph, Black Donald W, Bloch Michael H, Brentani Helena, Bruun Ruth D, Budman Cathy L, Camarena Beatriz, Campbell Desmond D, Cappi Carolina, Silgado Julio C Cardona, Cavallini Maria C, Chavira Denise A, Chouinard Sylvain, Cook Edwin H, Cookson M R, Coric Vladimir, Cullen Bernadette, Cusi Daniele, Delorme Richard, Denys Damiaan, Dion Yves, Eapen Valsama, Egberts Karin, Falkai Peter, Fernandez Thomas, Fournier Eduardo, Garrido Helena, Geller Daniel, Gilbert Donald L, Girard Simon L, Grabe Hans J, Grados Marco A, Greenberg Benjamin D, Gross-Tsur Varda, Grünblatt Edna, Hardy John, Heiman Gary A, Hemmings Sian M J, Herrera Luis D, Hezel Dianne M, Hoekstra Pieter J, Jankovic Joseph, Kennedy James L, King Robert A, Konkashbaev Anuar I, Kremeyer Barbara, Kurlan Roger, Lanzagorta Nuria, Leboyer Marion, Leckman James F, Lennertz Leonhard, Liu Chunyu, Lochner Christine, Lowe Thomas L, Lupoli Sara, Macciardi Fabio, Maier Wolfgang, Manunta Paolo, Marconi Maurizio, McCracken James T, Mesa Restrepo Sandra C, Moessner Rainald, Moorjani Priya, Morgan Jubel, Muller Heike, Murphy Dennis L, Naarden Allan L, Nurmi Erika, Ochoa William Cornejo, Ophoff Roel A, Pakstis Andrew J, Pato Michele T, Pato Carlos N, Piacentini John, Pittenger Christopher, Pollak Yehuda, Rauch Scott L, Renner Tobias, Reus Victor I, Richter Margaret A, Riddle Mark A, Robertson Mary M, Romero Roxana, Rosário Maria C, Rosenberg David, Ruhrmann Stephan, Sabatti Chiara, Salvi Erika, Sampaio Aline S, Samuels Jack, Sandor Paul, Service Susan K, Sheppard Brooke, Singer Harvey S, Smit Jan H, Stein Dan J, Strengman Eric, Tischfield Jay A, Turiel Maurizio, Valencia Duarte Ana V, Vallada Homero, Veenstra-VanderWeele Jeremy, Walitza Susanne, Wang Ying, Weale Mike, Weiss Robert, Wendland Jens R, Westenberg Herman G M, Shugart Yin Yao, Hounie Ana G, Miguel Euripedes C, Nicolini Humberto, Wagner Michael, Ruiz-Linares Andres, Cath Danielle C, McMahon William, Posthuma Danielle, Oostra Ben A, Nestadt Gerald, Rouleau Guy A, Purcell Shaun, Jenike Michael A, Heutink Peter, Hanna Gregory L, Conti David V, Arnold Paul D, Freimer Nelson B, Stewart S Evelyn, Knowles James A, Cox Nancy J, Pauls David L

Cross-disorder genome-wide analyses suggest a complex genetic relationship between Tourette's syndrome and OCD.

The American journal of psychiatry 2015; 172(1):82-93.

Moya PR, Dodman NH, Timpano KR, Rubenstein LM, Rana Z, Fried RL, Reichardt LF, Heiman GA, Tischfield JA, King RA, Galdzicka M, Ginns EI, Wendland JR

Rare missense neuronal cadherin gene (CDH2) variants in specific obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette disorder phenotypes

European Journal of Human Genetics 2013; 21(8):850-854.

Scharf J M, Yu D, Mathews C A, Neale B M, Stewart S E, Fagerness J A, Evans P, Gamazon E, Edlund C K, Service S K, Tikhomirov A, Osiecki L, Illmann C, Pluzhnikov A, Konkashbaev A, Davis L K, Han B, Crane J, Moorjani P, Crenshaw A T, Parkin M A, Reus V I, Lowe T L, Rangel-Lugo M, Chouinard S, Dion Y, Girard S, Cath D C, Smit J H, King R A, Fernandez T V, Leckman J F, Kidd K K, Kidd J R, Pakstis A J, State M W, Herrera L D, Romero R, Fournier E, Sandor P, Barr C L, Phan N, Gross-Tsur V, Benarroch F, Pollak Y, Budman C L, Bruun R D, Erenberg G, Naarden A L, Lee P C, Weiss N, Kremeyer B, Berrío G B, Campbell D D, Cardona Silgado J C, Ochoa W C, Mesa Restrepo S C, Muller H, Valencia Duarte A V, Lyon G J, Leppert M, Morgan J, Weiss R, Grados M A, Anderson K, Davarya S, Singer H, Walkup J, Jankovic J, Tischfield J A, Heiman G A, Gilbert D L, Hoekstra P J, Robertson M M, Kurlan R, Liu C, Gibbs J R, Singleton A, Hardy J, Strengman E, Ophoff R A, Wagner M, Moessner R, Mirel D B, Posthuma D, Sabatti C, Eskin E, Conti D V, Knowles J A, Ruiz-Linares A, Rouleau G A, Purcell S, Heutink P, Oostra B A, McMahon W M, Freimer N B, Cox N J, Pauls D L

Genome-wide association study of Tourette's syndrome.

Molecular psychiatry 2013; 18(6):721-8.

Fernandez Thomas V, Sanders Stephan J, Yurkiewicz Ilana R, Ercan-Sencicek A Gulhan, Kim Young-Shin, Fishman Daniel O, Raubeson Melanie J, Song Youeun, Yasuno Katsuhito, Ho Winson S C, Bilguvar Kaya, Glessner Joseph, Chu Su Hee, Leckman James F, King Robert A, Gilbert Donald L, Heiman Gary A, Tischfield Jay A, Hoekstra Pieter J, Devlin Bernie, Hakonarson Hakon, Mane Shrikant M, Günel Murat, State Matthew W

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The Genetics of Endophenotypes of Neurofunction to Understand Schizophrenia (GENUS) consortium: A collaborative cognitive and neuroimaging genetics project

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Brainstorm Consortium, Anttila Verneri, Bulik-Sullivan Brendan, Finucane Hilary K, Walters Raymond K, Bras Jose, Duncan Laramie, Escott-Price Valentina, Falcone Guido J, Gormley Padhraig, Malik Rainer, Patsopoulos Nikolaos A, Ripke Stephan, Wei Zhi, Yu Dongmei, Lee Phil H, Turley Patrick, Grenier-Boley Benjamin, Chouraki Vincent, Kamatani Yoichiro, Berr Claudine, Letenneur Luc, Hannequin Didier, Amouyel Philippe, Boland Anne, Deleuze Jean-François, Duron Emmanuelle, Vardarajan Badri N, Reitz Christiane, Goate Alison M, Huentelman Matthew J, Kamboh M Ilyas, Larson Eric B, Rogaeva Ekaterina, St George-Hyslop Peter, Hakonarson Hakon, Kukull Walter A, Farrer Lindsay A, Barnes Lisa L, Beach Thomas G, Demirci F Yesim, Head Elizabeth, Hulette Christine M, Jicha Gregory A, Kauwe John S K, Kaye Jeffrey A, Leverenz James B, Levey Allan I, Lieberman Andrew P, Pankratz Vernon S, Poon Wayne W, Quinn Joseph F, Saykin Andrew J, Schneider Lon S, Smith Amanda G, Sonnen Joshua A, Stern Robert A, Van Deerlin Vivianna M, Van Eldik Linda J, Harold Denise, Russo Giancarlo, Rubinsztein David C, Bayer Anthony, Tsolaki Magda, Proitsi Petra, Fox Nick C, Hampel Harald, Owen Michael J, Mead Simon, Passmore Peter, Morgan Kevin, Nöthen Markus M, Rossor Martin, Lupton Michelle K, Hoffmann Per, Kornhuber Johannes, Lawlor Brian, McQuillin Andrew, Al-Chalabi Ammar, Bis Joshua C, Ruiz Agustin, Boada Mercè, Seshadri Sudha, Beiser Alexa, Rice Kenneth, van der Lee Sven J, De Jager Philip L, Geschwind Daniel H, Riemenschneider Matthias, Riedel-Heller Steffi, Rotter Jerome I, Ransmayr Gerhard, Hyman Bradley T, Cruchaga Carlos, Alegret Montserrat, Winsvold Bendik, Palta Priit, Farh Kai-How, Cuenca-Leon Ester, Furlotte Nicholas, Kurth Tobias, Ligthart Lannie, Terwindt Gisela M, Freilinger Tobias, Ran Caroline, Gordon Scott D, Borck Guntram, Adams Hieab H H, Lehtimäki Terho, Wedenoja Juho, Buring Julie E, Schürks Markus, Hrafnsdottir Maria, Hottenga Jouke-Jan, Penninx Brenda, Artto Ville, Kaunisto Mari, Vepsäläinen Salli, Martin Nicholas G, Montgomery Grant W, Kurki Mitja I, Hämäläinen Eija, Huang Hailiang, Huang Jie, Sandor Cynthia, Webber Caleb, Muller-Myhsok Bertram, Schreiber Stefan, Salomaa Veikko, Loehrer Elizabeth, Göbel Hartmut, Macaya Alfons, Pozo-Rosich Patricia, Hansen Thomas, Werge Thomas, Kaprio Jaakko, Metspalu Andres, Kubisch Christian, Ferrari Michel D, Belin Andrea C, van den Maagdenberg Arn M J M, Zwart John-Anker, Boomsma Dorret, Eriksson Nicholas, Olesen Jes, Chasman Daniel I, Nyholt Dale R, Avbersek Andreja, Baum Larry, Berkovic Samuel, Bradfield Jonathan, Buono Russell J, Catarino Claudia B, Cossette Patrick, De Jonghe Peter, Depondt Chantal, Dlugos Dennis, Ferraro Thomas N, French Jacqueline, Hjalgrim Helle, Jamnadas-Khoda Jennifer, Kälviäinen Reetta, Kunz Wolfram S, Lerche Holger, Leu Costin, Lindhout Dick, Lo Warren, Lowenstein Daniel, McCormack Mark, Møller Rikke S, Molloy Anne, Ng Ping-Wing, Oliver Karen, Privitera Michael, Radtke Rodney, Ruppert Ann-Kathrin, Sander Thomas, Schachter Steven, Schankin Christoph, Scheffer Ingrid, Schoch Susanne, Sisodiya Sanjay M, Smith Philip, Sperling Michael, Striano Pasquale, Surges Rainer, Thomas G Neil, Visscher Frank, Whelan Christopher D, Zara Federico, Heinzen Erin L, Marson Anthony, Becker Felicitas, Stroink Hans, Zimprich Fritz, Gasser Thomas, Gibbs Raphael, Heutink Peter, Martinez Maria, Morris Huw R, Sharma Manu, Ryten Mina, Mok Kin Y, Pulit Sara, Bevan Steve, Holliday Elizabeth, Attia John, Battey Thomas, Boncoraglio Giorgio, Thijs Vincent, Chen Wei-Min, Mitchell Braxton, Rothwell Peter, Sharma Pankaj, Sudlow Cathie, Vicente Astrid, Markus Hugh, Kourkoulis Christina, Pera Joana, Raffeld Miriam, Silliman Scott, Boraska Perica Vesna, Thornton Laura M, Huckins Laura M, William Rayner N, Lewis Cathryn M, Gratacos Monica, Rybakowski Filip, Keski-Rahkonen Anna, Raevuori Anu, Hudson James I, Reichborn-Kjennerud Ted, Monteleone Palmiero, Karwautz Andreas, Mannik Katrin, Baker Jessica H, O'Toole Julie K, Trace Sara E, Davis Oliver S P, Helder Sietske G, Ehrlich Stefan, Herpertz-Dahlmann Beate, Danner Unna N, van Elburg Annemarie A, Clementi Maurizio, Forzan Monica, Docampo Elisa, Lissowska Jolanta, Hauser Joanna, Tortorella Alfonso, Maj Mario, Gonidakis Fragiskos, Tziouvas Konstantinos, Papezova Hana, Yilmaz Zeynep, Wagner Gudrun, Cohen-Woods Sarah, Herms Stefan, Julià Antonio, Rabionet Raquel, Dick Danielle M, Ripatti Samuli, Andreassen Ole A, Espeseth Thomas, Lundervold Astri J, Steen Vidar M, Pinto Dalila, Scherer Stephen W, Aschauer Harald, Schosser Alexandra, Alfredsson Lars, Padyukov Leonid, Halmi Katherine A, Mitchell James, Strober Michael, Bergen Andrew W, Kaye Walter, Szatkiewicz Jin Peng, Cormand Bru, Ramos-Quiroga Josep Antoni, Sánchez-Mora Cristina, Ribasés Marta, Casas Miguel, Hervas Amaia, Arranz Maria Jesús, Haavik Jan, Zayats Tetyana, Johansson Stefan, Williams Nigel, Dempfle Astrid, Rothenberger Aribert, Kuntsi Jonna, Oades Robert D, Banaschewski Tobias, Franke Barbara, Buitelaar Jan K, Arias Vasquez Alejandro, Doyle Alysa E, Reif Andreas, Lesch Klaus-Peter, Freitag Christine, Rivero Olga, Palmason Haukur, Romanos Marcel, Langley Kate, Rietschel Marcella, Witt Stephanie H, Dalsgaard Soeren, Børglum Anders D, Waldman Irwin, Wilmot Beth, Molly Nikolas, Bau Claiton H D, Crosbie Jennifer, Schachar Russell, Loo Sandra K, McGough James J, Grevet Eugenio H, Medland Sarah E, Robinson Elise, Weiss Lauren A, Bacchelli Elena, Bailey Anthony, Bal Vanessa, Battaglia Agatino, Betancur Catalina, Bolton Patrick, Cantor Rita, Celestino-Soper Patrícia, Dawson Geraldine, De Rubeis Silvia, Duque Frederico, Green Andrew, Klauck Sabine M, Leboyer Marion, Levitt Pat, Maestrini Elena, Mane Shrikant, De-Luca Daniel Moreno-, Parr Jeremy, Regan Regina, Reichenberg Abraham, Sandin Sven, Vorstman Jacob, Wassink Thomas, Wijsman Ellen, Cook Edwin, Santangelo Susan, Delorme Richard, Rogé Bernadette, Magalhaes Tiago, Arking Dan, Schulze Thomas G, Thompson Robert C, Strohmaier Jana, Matthews Keith, Melle Ingrid, Morris Derek, Blackwood Douglas, McIntosh Andrew, Bergen Sarah E, Schalling Martin, Jamain Stéphane, Maaser Anna, Fischer Sascha B, Reinbold Céline S, Fullerton Janice M, Guzman-Parra José, Mayoral Fermin, Schofield Peter R, Cichon Sven, Mühleisen Thomas W, Degenhardt Franziska, Schumacher Johannes, Bauer Michael, Mitchell Philip B, Gershon Elliot S, Rice John, Potash James B, Zandi Peter P, Craddock Nick, Ferrier I Nicol, Alda Martin, Rouleau Guy A, Turecki Gustavo, Ophoff Roel, Pato Carlos, Anjorin Adebayo, Stahl Eli, Leber Markus, Czerski Piotr M, Cruceanu Cristiana, Jones Ian R, Posthuma Danielle, Andlauer Till F M, Forstner Andreas J, Streit Fabian, Baune Bernhard T, Air Tracy, Sinnamon Grant, Wray Naomi R, MacIntyre Donald J, Porteous David, Homuth Georg, Rivera Margarita, Grove Jakob, Middeldorp Christel M, Hickie Ian, Pergadia Michele, Mehta Divya, Smit Johannes H, Jansen Rick, de Geus Eco, Dunn Erin, Li Qingqin S, Nauck Matthias, Schoevers Robert A, Beekman Aartjan Tf, Knowles James A, Viktorin Alexander, Arnold Paul, Barr Cathy L, Bedoya-Berrio Gabriel, Bienvenu O Joseph, Brentani Helena, Burton Christie, Camarena Beatriz, Cappi Carolina, Cath Danielle, Cavallini Maria, Cusi Daniele, Darrow Sabrina, Denys Damiaan, Derks Eske M, Dietrich Andrea, Fernandez Thomas, Figee Martijn, Freimer Nelson, Gerber Gloria, Grados Marco, Greenberg Erica, Hanna Gregory L, Hartmann Andreas, Hirschtritt Matthew E, Hoekstra Pieter J, Huang Alden, Huyser Chaim, Illmann Cornelia, Jenike Michael, Kuperman Samuel, Leventhal Bennett, Lochner Christine, Lyon Gholson J, Macciardi Fabio, Madruga-Garrido Marcos, Malaty Irene A, Maras Athanasios, McGrath Lauren, Miguel Eurípedes C, Mir Pablo, Nestadt Gerald, Nicolini Humberto, Okun Michael S, Pakstis Andrew, Paschou Peristera, Piacentini John, Pittenger Christopher, Plessen Kerstin, Ramensky Vasily, Ramos Eliana M, Reus Victor, Richter Margaret A, Riddle Mark A, Robertson Mary M, Roessner Veit, Rosário Maria, Samuels Jack F, Sandor Paul, Stein Dan J, Tsetsos Fotis, Van Nieuwerburgh Filip, Weatherall Sarah, Wendland Jens R, Wolanczyk Tomasz, Worbe Yulia, Zai Gwyneth, Goes Fernando S, McLaughlin Nicole, Nestadt Paul S, Grabe Hans-Jorgen, Depienne Christel, Konkashbaev Anuar, Lanzagorta Nuria, Valencia-Duarte Ana, Bramon Elvira, Buccola Nancy, Cahn Wiepke, Cairns Murray, Chong Siow A, Cohen David, Crespo-Facorro Benedicto, Crowley James, Davidson Michael, DeLisi Lynn, Dinan Timothy, Donohoe Gary, Drapeau Elodie, Duan Jubao, Haan Lieuwe, Hougaard David, Karachanak-Yankova Sena, Khrunin Andrey, Klovins Janis, Kučinskas Vaidutis, Lee Chee Keong Jimmy, Limborska Svetlana, Loughland Carmel, Lönnqvist Jouko, Maher Brion, Mattheisen Manuel, McDonald Colm, Murphy Kieran C, Nenadic Igor, van Os Jim, Pantelis Christos, Pato Michele, Petryshen Tracey, Quested Digby, Roussos Panos, Sanders Alan R, Schall Ulrich, Schwab Sibylle G, Sim Kang, So Hon-Cheong, Stögmann Elisabeth, Subramaniam Mythily, Toncheva Draga, Waddington John, Walters James, Weiser Mark, Cheng Wei, Cloninger Robert, Curtis David, Gejman Pablo V, Henskens Frans, Mattingsdal Morten, Oh Sang-Yun, Scott Rodney, Webb Bradley, Breen Gerome, Churchhouse Claire, Bulik Cynthia M, Daly Mark, Dichgans Martin, Faraone Stephen V, Guerreiro Rita, Holmans Peter, Kendler Kenneth S, Koeleman Bobby, Mathews Carol A, Price Alkes, Scharf Jeremiah, Sklar Pamela, Williams Julie, Wood Nicholas W, Cotsapas Chris, Palotie Aarno, Smoller Jordan W, Sullivan Patrick, Rosand Jonathan, Corvin Aiden, Neale Benjamin M, Schott Jonathan M, Anney Richard, Elia Josephine, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu Maria, Edenberg Howard J, Murray Robin

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Carola, Amouyel Philippe, Boehm Bernhard O., Boerwinkle Eric, Boomsma Dorret I., Caulfield Mark J., Chanock Stephen J., Cupples L. Adrienne, Cusi Daniele, Dedoussis George V., Erdmann Jeanette, Eriksson Johan G., Franks Paul W., Froguel Philippe, Gieger Christian, Gyllensten Ulf, Hamsten Anders, Harris Tamara B., Hengstenberg Christian, Hicks Andrew A., Hingorani Aroon, Hinney Anke, Hofman Albert, Hovingh Kees G., Hveem Kristian, Illig Thomas, Jarvelin Marjo-Riitta, Jöckel Karl-Heinz, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi Sirkka M., Kiemeney Lambertus A., Kuh Diana, Laakso Markku, Lehtimäki Terho, Levinson Douglas F., Martin Nicholas G., Metspalu Andres, Morris Andrew D., Nieminen Markku S., Njølstad Inger, Ohlsson Claes, Oldehinkel Albertine J., Ouwehand Willem H., Palmer Lyle J., Penninx Brenda, Power Chris, Province Michael A., Psaty Bruce M., Qi Lu, Rauramaa Rainer, Ridker Paul M., Ripatti Samuli, Salomaa Veikko, Samani Nilesh J., Snieder Harold, Sørensen Thorkild I.A., Spector Timothy D., Stefansson Kari, Tönjes Anke, Tuomilehto Jaakko, Uitterlinden André G., Uusitupa Matti, van der Harst Pim, Vollenweider Peter, Wallaschofski Henri, Wareham Nicholas J., Watkins Hugh, Wichmann H.-Erich, Wilson James F., Abecasis Goncalo R., Assimes Themistocles L., Barroso Inês, Boehnke Michael, Borecki Ingrid B., Deloukas Panos, Fox Caroline S., Frayling Timothy, Groop Leif C., Haritunian Talin, Heid Iris M., Hunter David, Kaplan Robert C., Karpe Fredrik, Moffatt Miriam, Mohlke Karen L., O’Connell Jeffrey R., Pawitan Yudi, Schadt Eric E., Schlessinger David, Steinthorsdottir Valgerdur, Strachan David P., Thorsteinsdottir Unnur, van Duijn Cornelia M., Visscher Peter M., Di Blasio Anna Maria, Hirschhorn Joel N., Lindgren Cecilia M., Morris Andrew P., Meyre David, Scherag André, McCarthy Mark I., Speliotes Elizabeth K., North Kari E., Loos Ruth J.F., Ingelsson Erik

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